Social Distancing: Really Not Appropriate?

The present punch line of the preventive strategy ‘Stay home, Stay safe’ must add ‘Stay connected’ also.

Amid Coronavirus pandemic, we have added many new terms in our vocabulary such as COVID-19, novel corona, index patient, self-quarantine, social distancing. Some of these terms have become buzz words in our daily life, television channels, print media, and government directives. The Ministry for Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has issued a comprehensive advisory on coronavirus (COVID-19) on 16th March 2020, directing states across the country to take social distancing measures as a preventive strategy. The term has gained popularity when Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has put emphasis on Social Distancing in his address to the nation and explaining the need for more preventive strategies. The search of the word social distancing on World Health Organisation (WHO) website has brought 33 results and one of the prominent title ‘Pass the message five steps to kicking out coronavirus ‘ says that “in terms of social interaction, take a step back, stay at least one meter (some advocates two-meter) distance from others. By maintaining such social distancing, you are helping to avoid breathing in any droplets from someone who sneezes or coughs in close proximity.”[1] [2]

Social distancing is defined as ‘the practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection’.[3]   Sociologically, the social distance is the degree to which people are willing to accept and associate with those having different social characteristics by its creator Bogardus.[4] Social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease-causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or slow down the rate and extent of disease transmission in a community. This eventually leads to a decrease in spread, morbidity, and mortality due to the disease.[5]However, in the present context, social distancing means to deliberately increase the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. It has two distinct features: i) to minimize chances of transmission of the virus to keep six feet distance from other people and ii) to avoid handshaking, hugging kissing or touching to each other. Its real application demands more measures like restricting people gathering, to avoid congregating in large groups and asking people to stay in the homes as much as possible. It also requires the closing of schools, colleges, workplaces, religious places, restricting mass gathering and movement of people. This also means that all public places have to be closed and sanitized and blocked in order to minimize the chances of people coming in contact with others as a possible source of spreading infections. The methods like isolation, quarantine, self-quarantine are also to be used in the real sense to restrain the spread of infection.

Social distancing is not an appropriate term to describe the context in which it is being currently used, as it consists of two contradictory words. While the meaning of social is ‘related to society or organization or needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities’ (used as an adjective); the word distancing has its origin in Latin word distare, distant meaning standing apart. Both words in social distancing are contradictory in meaning and really not meant for the purpose it is used. However, the word social has its many more meaning which is related to the relationship. The relationship is one of the six core values of the social work profession and is also a unique feature of professional social work.  Social workers understand the dynamics between and among people is one of the most important determinants of social change. Social workers seek to strengthen the relationship among people in a purposeful manner in order to promote, restore, maintain and enhance the well being of individuals, families, social groups and communities. (para6.6, NAPSWI Code of Ethics)[6]. For the last two years, the International Federation of Social Workers has celebrating World Social Work Day (WSWD) and month of March as Social Work Month on the global theme on “promoting the importance of human relationships.” Linda May Grobman mentioned that ‘in recognition of this new circumstance, the IFSW made last-minute revisions to its WSWD logo (this year), to portray two people bowing in greeting to each other, instead of shaking hands (last year logo). Social workers adapt to the situation at the moment. Linda has also adopted the term physical distancing over social distancing, which she believes is more accurate and reflects the practice of maintaining human relationships while staying at a safe distance physically.[7] In India, we have the Sanatan tradition of Namaste as a way to greet people with folded hands which should be used to portray such physical distancing with human dignity and respect for the relationship.

There are many other dangers of using the term social distancing in the society like ours which is already divided horizontally and vertically into many strata. One statement of Ms. Sobhana Mathew is noteworthy that “we already have separate entrances for our service staff. Now with the coronavirus threat, some apartments have stopped allowing house help and maids entering the building. The belief that people from the lower strata are carriers of disease is strong among us. Even otherwise, we have a problem with spatiality. In public transport, on the streets, we don't have a sense of personal space.[8] The social distancing may ruin our progressive efforts if the caste, religion or patriarchal mindsets keep on operating our concerns. One should understand that people living with COVID19 in isolation do face many psychosocial problems, anxiety, fear, insecurity, despair, guilt, etc. They will need social support, social solidarity and communication with their own people. They need not be away from their own social group society. They can be asked to be away from social life, social gathering, and social mixing voluntarily. However, the distancing should be only at the physical plane not otherwise. It is living separately with togetherness as a matter of fact.

Recently, the WHO has officially advocated against the phrase "social distancing" and is from here on recommending the phrase "physical distancing" instead. The idea is to clarify that an order to stay at home during the current coronavirus outbreak isn't about breaking contact with your friends and family — but rather keeping a physical distance to make sure the disease doesn't spread.[9] The importance of a physical distance is “absolutely essential" to respond to the global pandemic but it does not mean that socially we have to disconnect from the people who are significant and part of our day to day life. The NAPSWI, Nada India, and Young India Network for Good Health also appealed to Government authorities, public health professionals and the public, in general, to bring a change in the use of phrases “Physical distance” in place of “Social distancing”, while issuing public notices, instructions, #tags, social media. It appeals to maintain physical distance as prescribed by WHO and enhance the quality of social bonding and social wellbeing by connecting with people living with COVID19 and empower them with their rights as patients and caregivers provided in the Charter of Patients’ Rights for adoption by NHRC.[10]

At present, social distancing is synonymous with living separately without togetherness. It should be replaced with physical distancing or personal distancing. The present punch line of the preventive strategy ‘Stay home, Stay safe’ must add ‘Stay connected’ also. The physically distant but emotionally and socially bonding should be the central theme of all communication in present times. Now, our IEC strategies should be based on more on this philosophical mooring. The civil society engagement should be more pronounced in times of such medical emergencies where the relationships are the crux of faster recovery and solidarity as a response to isolation. The civil society organizations are the best-suited option to check the spread of infections into communities.

 Sanjai Bhatt, Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi, and President, NAPSWI), Delhi110007  [email protected]

 (The views expressed are personal not any one of those organizations to whom I am associated.)





[4] Johnson, Allan G (2000), The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology,Blackwell Publishers, page 289


[6] National Association of Professional Social Workers in India ( 2015), Code of Ethics for Professional Social Workers, New Delhi, NAPSWI,

[7] Linda May Grobman (2020), The Importance of Human Relationships in a Time of Social Distancing (World Social Work Day 2020), NASW Press



[10] Appeal by NADA India , NAPSWI ;

S.D. Mishra

Professor & Director , Social Work Department

4 年

Great Sir

Dr. Bijayalaxmi Panda (Ph.D, Social Work)

State Lead -Partnerships, The Antara Foundation | Maternal and Child Health Nutrition| Partnership management /Social Policy/ Research and Advocacy and Programme | Media Advocacy /Strategic Engagement |

4 年

Sir, your way of analysing and explaining each word has encouraged us to think unique. Physical distancing is really more clear as also stay connected.

Arun Kumar Sinha, Ph.D.

Freelance Citizenhood Educator

4 年

The point is well-taken Prof Bhatt Sahab! Physical distancing is a more clearly understandable phrase and more suited for the purpose of mass communication. I also agree that "stay connected" would be a welcome addition to the "punch line."?

Anushri Saxena

Public health | PATH | AIF Clinton Fellow (2020-21) | MSW Gold medalist

4 年

Sanjai Bhatt Sir, this is a thought-provoking article best-suited for now when this term has been accepted en masse without any question. As you mention, the pratice of 'social distancing' is having a negative impact on human relationships especially in a stratified society like ours. It was seen in case of some residents becoming hostile to their neighbouring doctors and medical staff. I agree that being a people-oriented profession, social workers need to come forward to reiterate the importance of human relationships. Additionally, the 7 principles by Biestek (1957) can also be upheld such as acceptance and non-judgmental attitude. My take-away from this article is this quotable quote: "It is living separately with togetherness as a matter of fact."



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