Social Distancing - A Problem or an Opportunity for self reflection
Aditya Pandey
Leadership | Software Product Management | Platform Revolution | AI | SaaS | Speaker | Author
Ugadi marks the first day of New year as per Lunar calendar. In Indian culture, traditionally we eat Neem balls mixed with jaggery in equal proportions every morning at least for next nine days starting today. This is a testimony to profoundness of this wise and ancient culture that we understand , Bitterness(Neem) is not always Bad, in fact Bitter contains medicinal qualities.
This is to fathom that we accept different aspects of life in equal proportions. Always having sweetness in life is not good. Respecting and balancing various forces in nature, including Virus is the key to our existence.
This outlook towards life provides us the opportunity to convert Threshold into a great possibility
As of today on March 25th, there are near 5 Lacs active cases and near 20,000 deaths across the world due to COVID-19.
Most significant aspect of this is , humans are the carriers. This time we cannot blame mosquitoes or rats or other creatures for the spread. Now, as we are the carriers , it becomes very important how we act in such difficult times.
We are called as human beings and not human creatures , because it is expected from us that we should know- ‘How To Be’. Whether we fit to be called as a being or just a creature. We need to inculcate that our actions should only be by choice and not by compulsions like any other creatures.
If you know, HOW TO BE , a simple sense of basic hygiene and not becoming a carrier of this virus would automatically comes to you. At the moment social distancing is the most effective and widely adopted resolve to fight against Corona.
These are really strange and interesting times , when by not doing anything we have the privilege to feel the satisfaction of doing great service to the humanity and the world . How is that !
At the moment world is at war of peculiar design where every one is losing and the enemy is invisible. It’s a long haul. This phase will have long term re-percussion into the annals of world History. This will impact almost every aspect of our lives. In such times, act of Inaction becomes the most significant action.
We have a choice that after a year or two as a human generation, whether we proudly say that we rode through this crisis as a responsible and graceful human being or we would be ashamed of ourselves that we didn’t behave responsible enough.
Indian Government has decided to go through this full fledged and therefore, our country is observing a complete lockdown at least for next 21 days to break the contagious chain. This resolve is necessary to make this into a successful process.
This break from our daily chores, responsibilities and duties , we can use to turn inwards. Because I think it’s time to fathom that IN, IS THE ONLY WAY OUT !