Social Distancing <> Isolation
Terry Albarella
Passionate about technology, solving problems and helping people flourish in their careers.
In times like these, it is even more important to keep our connections fresh.
The news today is filled with stories stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. It's hard to believe that we're not living inside some novel just waiting for the good and evil sides of society to begin to come together. But this is our reality and the mantra of the day is social distancing (well, that and "wash your hands!")
I recently had a conversion with an older neighbor and it brought home the value that we both give and receive from simple human contact. This is coming from an introvert, who embraces social distancing by nature. In our pandemic world, we have to limit the physical contacts, but that maybe means we have to make more of an effort to reach out in new and perhaps uncomfortable ways.
Not everyone uses technology. So there may be a time and place to use your phone for it's original purpose and actually call <introvert cringe> someone. You may never know what a boost your simple hello may be to someone who is feeling the pinch of distancing.
For those who are comfortable with a computer or smartphone, there are almost limitless ways to get a message to a person. Texting, social media messaging, even email offers are simple ways to get in touch. I've had to send my kids messages to their Xbox accounts to get their attention. Whatever works for the person you're trying to reach. That's the key.
So, reach out to your people in your family, neighborhood and network. If you haven't spoken or contacted them in ages, this is the perfect time. It doesn't matter how long it's been, what matters is that you care.
To friends old and new, here's an open invitation if you're getting a bit stir crazy and want to chat: give a text, call or whatever you'd like and I'm sure I'll be able to come up with a story or two that will make you smile. (BTW stir crazy is not a requirement.)
Take care (and wash your hands!)
Hi Terry!
Hope you and your family are well!