Experts in SCR ask me to explain what is the impact in all the Transparent Realities edited, here are some, hope them happy, and therefore help +++,
1.-EDEA8K?M is the strategic views via my company, person, sportman, surfer, CEO, all ranks previously, and advancing to 50 year mark the stop required to make reflexions of what should improve in our society for the future 8KM inhabitants, or for a human 8KM edeas, is a 360o play. How could these be valued? The title says it all, simply 360o air reverse.
2.- Ship Owners, sea training, seafarers, crewmanagers, sea... is and will be where jobs, wealth, ecology, climate control, ... pls put a value to it. Ok, lets dry the oceans. Is that value enough? Or lets create a sustainable society that accepts 71% is sea.
3.- Minimum taxes are a right to humans, like minimum education + health + security. If the previous UN or else associations and fundations have not though about it, then they can start to. Poberty , emigration, refugees, discrimination of opportunities + so on could be stopped by a 10% tax lumpsum to humans. Just apply SCR. So how evaluate €? haha, pls do not do nothing like the first days/nights since this started, do nothing. Watch news or do news. Evaluate? These people have gone to University and still ask for cost evaluation?
4.- Education, health and security; Systems in place already grant best practicces with minimum hours of lectures in Finland (no bullying), transparent education system with no exams! Health in prevention is a must. Security is amazing as an example 1,5M seafarers do take care 90% goods, so why cannot 1,5M police take care of security 8KM humans? Having more layers is extra coist, either at governments,... simple solutions are cheap, practical and efficient.
5.- Strategic areas; turism, small and medium companies (SMCs) + maritime. These 3 are as we would like to dream, dreams come true, thats travelling. A door we would like to open but cannot afford. Then it became a SCR area. SMCs provide 90% world employment, + will do so in future (if taxes, public ineffieciency, judges, lawyers, non chapter 11 and many more mentioned in studies), so why not put things easy for them? No fines, low tax (10%flat is non discriminatory), no burocrazy, one email window reply 1minute/24hours, one employment contract, fast/free arbitration/justice free. Maritime has been the wealth door for Spain, India, China, America, Asia, …but now seems all follow a football and thats wealth? Sorry, thats following a ball. Sea brings problems, we are just to thick to know are solutions.