"Social Contract"? & "Freedom and Democracy"?

"Social Contract" & "Freedom and Democracy"

“Social Contract” and “Freedom and Democracy”

“Social Contract” was an idea on moral and political philosophy, originated during the Age of Enlightenment and usually, although not always, concerns the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual.

Over time, “Social Contract” evolved in the western world into various form of political ideologies, especially the popular ideology of “Freedom and Democracy.”

The very nature of “Contract” involves two parties or two entities, in this case, The State / Authority and the Individual. There is a constant struggle and conflict between how much individual Rights need to be surrendered to the State, the Authority in exchange for the social order, which affects or benefits everyone.

In order to resolve this conflict, Democratic System is created, whereby individuals vote for their prefer representatives of the State, the Authority.

Theoretically it seems to resolve the conflict.

But in reality, especially as of today, it creates more chaos, conflicts and contradiction, as amplified by the United States of America, who champions “Freedom and Democracy” to the whole world.

Such outcome is expected due to human idea to solve a problem, that the solution creates more problems.

In a natural system, we have the protector and those to be protected, the parents and the children, teacher and students, a tribe leader and his subjects, hence the state and the subjects. Let’s call that Yin and Yang polarities.

Due to imbalances and conflict between the two, another Yin Yang polarities are created by the West, in two political parties who represent some sectors of the community, as reflected in the democratic process of election and voting.

Different groups of the individuals have different preferences and demands, resulting in whoever voted in as the government, the government can only represent one sector of the individuals, leaving the other sector frustrated and angry.

The worse of human nature is manifested in seeking winning the election for greed and power as demonstrated by the US Democrats Party and Republicans, who fight each other day and night, even at the expense of destroying their country and potentially creating a 3rd world war by initiating the Ukraine war by the US in their decades of planning – to destroy Russia.

The hegemony of the United States of America also seeks to enforce “Freedom and Democracy” to the whole world (by killing and bombing to those who do not obey), hence deliberating creating more Yin and Yang polarities for more conflicts.

Through their powerful media, they divide the world into angel (those who practice Freedom and Democracy) and devils (the communists, Russia, Iran, Cuba, China).

In the East, there is a totally different Life Philosophy, particularly China, Yin Yang Philosophy.

Yin Yang Philosophy is NOT two polarities in conflict with each other. Rather they seek to balance and enhance each other towards peace and harmony. And importantly, there is the notions of Yin within Yang, and Yang within Yin. Yin and Yang depends on each other, Each cannot exist with the absence of the other.

“Social Contract” originated during the Age of Enlightenment in the west, the Yin Yang Philosophy is dated more than 8000 years ago in China as per Yi Ching. (易经)。

Yin Yang Philosophy is embedded not only in the China political system, but in every facet of social life, medical, social interaction etc.

The ancient wise China emperors knew their empire was dependent on satisfying the masses, so is today China Communist Party.

With good understanding of human behaviour and psychology, it is totally not possible for a “Dictator” to control 1.4 billion population, unless you hold the assumption that these 1.4 billion people do not have their own will power and their right to have a better life and their life is governed by Fear of their government, not daring to protest.

But can such assumption be verified?

It is interesting the west presented the notion of “Contract” in the midst of dealing with two entities, particularly in political arena. It is strange to apply such idea of “Contract” in marriage between male and female, parents and Children, Teachers and Students, Boss and Staff, friendship.

Should it not be “Yin Yang Philosophy” that governs relationship, any type of relationship, with each party and entity working together towards common goals.

The notion of “Social Contract” has serious repercussion in the United States of America, for e.g. with individual insisting on their right to posses gun to protect themselves, which give rise to mass shooting incidents every now and then.

Eventually, “Social Contract” “Freedom and Democracy” will destroy this planet earth with creation of more polarities conflict and inherent contradiction, when mankind does not learn the ideas of Yin Yang Philosophy in mutual respect, mutual co-existence, win-win outcome towards Peace and Harmony.

Andrew Wong.


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