Social Anarchy is the Siren

Social Anarchy is the Siren

Social anarchy is here.

In its new and glorified avatar.

Social commentary. It is.

People have social profiles to endorse themselves.

Brands have marketing campaigns.

Where do you think the professionals vent their anger or frustration?

They pick up on the latest topics in the media.

They have to support something aligning with their ideology.

That’s fair.

We all do it in our social lives.

What’s wrong, there?

The online lives are not social lives.

There is an extent to what we can do or project on these social sites.

If you don’t put a finishing line from the beginning, you may end up saying things you can justify in any case but you had no moral grounds.

The professional barbaric approach gets ruthless and demands blood on the Internet.

There is an urge to fix everything that’s wrong with this world.

You end up taking it on the Internet.

That’s your contribution.

The least, you would say.

No, it’s not a contribution.

It was a participation.

We’ll get on to it later.

Let’s highlight the points we wanted to talk about.


Kellogg’s Ad

Art is not to make things to make you understand.        

The latest Kellogg’s ad took the lid off the shit can.

Who’s right or not right- It is not the thing. How everybody is making a case to present their side of acceptance or taking a dig at standards or missing the point or not time relevant or anything else leaves you walking away from the discussion.

Art is not a subject. Art is a medium.

Any try to make a rational understanding of things would leave us mastering the outer shell and leaving the inner intricacies aside as it is up to science to make an observation about it.

Humans are flesh-eaters.

Be it food or the intellectual understanding of things.

We begin from the visible aspects of the topic and finish it off there. We perform surgery on the body because that’s all we want to know about it.

Stop there.

That was good enough a hint to point you in the direction we were talking.

It leads to the second observation.

Participation without contribution, the constructive one, is a fool’s paradise.        

All the noise you hear in the comments section or posts is a part of the participation trap.

One feels inclined or compelled by the title or years of experience in the field to say something. To participate, as they call it.

They want to speak but what to say?



Acres of hollowness.

The third observation.

From inspiring people to influencing them- Everybody is a hero. There is no audience left in the room.        

We don’t like reading much.

I fear that nobody will read my content not because it is not good, it is still average, but because everyone has turned out to be an influencer. Or, the remaining ones are too ignorant or occupied to identify the talent.

The doomsday we predicted is not the clash of the titans or the war between the rich and poor but the turning of the masses into a zombie class of executive workers.

They may not like to drink blood, but they sap the last ounce of energy in your body to fight for the right.

The Zombie Class of Executive Workers.

Do you want to take a guess from the real-life incidents?

The businessmen, whose success was entitled to their business empire, have donned the hat of leaders.

Leaders. Or occupants of the highest positions.

They have started acting as someone who wants their orders to be followed outside their companies.

Who needs scripted entertainment on our phones or television sets?

There could be any reasons why they’re acting under the influence of stinking money.

One, they had ample spare time to muster their financial muscle and act like an influencer. They wanted to be hated to be loved. They wanted to be hated to feel superior to others.
Two, they really wanted to be a leader as the time had come for them to do something they didn’t care to lose- Public respect.
Third, they’re on a mission to handpick the ones who stand with their ideology and bring them onto their side. And finally, start a cult movement.
Thank you for your time.         


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