Soch vichar kare, invest kare!

Soch vichar kare, invest kare!

Welcome to an interesting talk about a topic that affects us more than we realize – biases. We all think we're pretty smart and in control, but there's something sneaky going on. Biases, these invisible forces, are shaping our choices without us even knowing. But don't worry, we've got the secret weapon to fight them – awareness. Today, let's look at two tricky biases:

Hindsight bias: This one's a time traveler. It makes us believe that we knew everything was going to happen after it already happened. Ever thought, "If only I bought that stock earlier, I'd be rich now"? Here's a fun game: pick a new stock that you think will be a winner. You'll notice, the confidence you have now is nothing like what you had for the stock that already did well. It's like writing a story after you know the ending.

Confirmation bias: Imagine you really like vanilla ice cream. When given a choice, you'll pick anything that sounds like vanilla and ignore the rest. That's what confirmation bias does – it makes us find only what we want to find. Even if we all read the same news, we might end up with totally different ideas. In the world of investing, this bias can be like a trap, making us lose money. But guess what? Just by knowing about it, we can outsmart it.

Hang around for more cool stuff. Remember, knowing about these sneaky biases is like having a superpower for smarter decisions.



