SoC Verification for High Integrity Applications

SoC Verification for High Integrity Applications

In this month’s ASIC Insights from EnSilica, we explore SoC verification for high-integrity applications. Verification is a crucial phase in any SoC development, but it is especially critical for applications such as automotive, industrial, and aerospace.

High integrity/reliability electronic systems (hi-rel) refer to applications where failures are simply not an option. Industries that fit this category include automotive, aerospace, medical, and manufacturing, where reliability and safety functions are not just critical, but mandated through various regulatory standards.

Many of these applications are driven by a dedicated system-on-chip (SoC) which incorporate processing units, memory, analog, RF, and more in devices containing millions of transistors and thousands of embedded code lines. Such high numbers are understandably daunting; how can we be sure that nothing will go wrong?

Some of the most infamous accidents in the aviation or automotive fields have been attributed to bugs in vehicle control hardware or software. The Boeing 737 MAX incident led to pilots losing control of the aircraft due to a faulty sensor reading, causing two fatal crashes and grounding the 737 for more than a year while investigations took place. The Toyota “unintended acceleration” problem in 2009 led to numerous deaths and the emergency recall of around 10 million vehicles. Both incidents led to lengthy and expensive lawsuits against the involved companies.

Design vulnerabilities have since come to light, which point to insufficient verification of the electronic systems involved. This sends a very clear message: we still have a lot of learning to do when it comes to the design and deployment of hi-rel electronic systems.

Some changes are required in the development process

Having a robust development process is a must when dealing with hi-rel systems. From top-level requirement specifications to detailed implementation, having a clean documentation management system with full traceability will ensure that any changes along the design cycle are properly monitored, analyzed, and approved. The so-called V-Model, which splits the development process into design, implementation, and integration/testing, is commonly used to guide this process. But more can be done.

A deep analysis of how things can fail, the consequences, and remedies is absolutely necessary. This can be achieved by using standard techniques like the FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis) and/or the FTA (Faults Tree Analysis). The relevant standards of these approaches require developers to provide objective evidence of the achieved level of safety through specific metrics, like unsafe FIT rates, the SPFM (Single Point of Failure Metrics), or SFF (Safe Fault Fraction).

Existing industry standards

Several industry standards have already been published around the concepts of reliability and functional safety with the purpose of ensuring that compliant products will be safe. The entire product life-cycle is covered in such documents: product definition, project management, design, implementation, integration, verification, validation, production and even service and decommissioning.

For instance, the automotive standards ISO 26262 and ISO/PAS 21448 (SOTIF) apply to most of the non-entertainment electronics present in car: engine control, braking (ABS), airbag, radar/lidar anti-collision systems, and especially to the newest generation of ADAS system. Industrial control systems must also follow the IEC 61508 standard when safety is critical, and robotic systems are particularly subject to an adapted standard: the ISO 13849.

What do these standards have in common? The need for a tight control of all the design and verification processes, the analysis of how things can fail, and the adoption of new approaches to the hardware and software development methodologies. With this in mind, the verification phase becomes a crucial milestone in achieving both reliability and functional safety.

All the standards mentioned – and more – have sections dedicated to the product verification. In the context of semiconductors, verifying complex SoC containing millions of gates is not an easy task, but it becomes even harder if such pieces of silicon serve high integrity systems: specific scenarios where faults are present must be taken into account to make sure that the system will react properly.

The critical role of verification

Verifying the correct behaviour of a SoC against the specified safety or reliability requirements is probably the most critical step in the chip product life-cycle, and the previously mentioned standards dedicate entire sections to this topic. At either the hardware, software or hardware-software integration levels, different methods are recommended to guarantee that the product won’t cause issues when doing its job. As an example, the ISO 26262 recommends the following hardware verification methods when a product must handle ASIL D safety requirements:

  • Requirements compliance, especially safety ones
  • Internal and external interfaces
  • Boundary values
  • Knowledge or experience based error guessing (lessons learned)
  • Functional dependencies
  • Common limit conditions, sequences and sources of dependent failures
  • Environmental conditions and operational use cases
  • Process worst cases and significant variants
  • Fault injection simulation


Verifying the compliance to the specified standards is especially important when it refers to safety requirements. By using safety analysis techniques (FMEA, FTA, etc), safety engineers can determine what mechanisms are necessary to tackle safety issues, and then it becomes the verification engineer’s task to prove their efficiency.

Safety standards don’t concern themselves with technical details around implementation, they just say that specific test cases must be created for each of the referred bullet points. It is up to the verification engineer themselves to determine the best technical approach, using the standard verification techniques in silicon design: RTL simulation, STA, Monte-Carlo, etc. Needless to say that all steps must come with the right documentation and traceability through a verification plan, verification specs and, finally, a verification report.

Fault injection

Knowing the response of a SoC under faulty conditions is of paramount importance in the verification of high integrity systems, and the technique called “fault injection” provides the solution.

A common mistake of newcomers to the hi-rel engineering is to confuse the terms “fault simulation” with “fault injection”.? The term “fault simulation” refers to the standard technique of verifying how good a test pattern is in terms of observability; so, how a fault occurred in an internal node (stuck-at-1, stuck-at-0) will be detected at the I/O pins. This technique helps to build effective test patterns for the device screening at the industrial production stage, and it is normally available in the simulation EDA tools. The figure of merit when using this methodology is the percentage of faults covered by a given test pattern.

The term “fault injection” is something different.? It is a technique oriented to verify if the internal chip mechanisms designed to mitigate failures react properly. For example, in a digital chip containing memories equipped with error detection and correction (EDC), a soft-error toggling a memory cell must not have consequences if the EDC works properly.

The fault injection tools user interface is much more complex than the fault simulation one, since the pass/fail criteria are not so obvious:? in some cases the system requirements can stipulate that in the event of a failure, the SoC must jump to a safe state (e.g. ISO 26262), so a simple comparison with a reference good pattern is not sufficient, and some more elaborated comparison is needed.? In silicon chips, the fault injection methodology must be performed at the pre-tape-out stage or at a device validation/qualification time.

Different approaches are available for this task at the SoC RTL or gate level, including some dedicated EDA tools; numerous literature is available on the web about this topic. A possible solution is to use the Verilog built-in scripting language (PLI)? by creating dedicated test cases containing PLI-coded fault injectors, as depicted in the following figure.

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Paul Jolley

International Entrepreneur | Brand Strategist | Component Manufacture

4 个月

I will be attending the #electronica exhibition for 4 days. I look forward to meeting you at your booth. Best Regards Paul Jolley




