On the 16th of June this year, I had the distinct privilege of being invited to attend the open day of a registered non-profit home for children, aptly called C.H.A.N.C.E which is situated in Dunnottar, Springs (South Africa).
For many South Africans, this day in our history is marked by the sad and brutal events that led to a youth, Hector Pieterson, being shot and killed by the previous government’s apartheid police forces in Soweto, and which changed the course of South Africa’s history. Indeed, Hector was not the only person that was killed on that fateful day.
As an invited guest to attend C.H.A.N.C.E’s open day -- which coincided with what is now known as Youth Day -- the painful memories associated with Hector Pieterson of some thirty years ago, were at odds with the joyous occasion I was now experiencing with the young children who are cared for at C.H.A.N.C.E. It was sobering listening and watching these less privileged children, who provided their audience and potential donors a lively song and dance show, perhaps with many of them not knowing of the hundreds of other school children who had lost their lives in Soweto on 16 June 1976.
With the events of what eventually lead South Africa to create a public holiday to honour the victims who were killed in this barbaric era of our country’s history, I was saddened by the fact that there are still so many thousands of black children who have been let down by ‘a system’ which is meant to protect and nurture them.
In his key-note address, the chairman of C.H.A.N.C.E, Advocate Phillip Lehlohonolo Mokoena (SC) left the audience with no doubt that all children, but especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds need the nation to join hands and make a commitment to bringing change in their lives. What was especially profound in his message, was that children are just that; they’re children and it is important to see them with smiles on their faces and that they have hope towards a brighter future. Adv. Mokoena (SC) correctly emphasised that these children must not be ostracized, and that it is our duty to ensure that they are accepted, and nurtured by our communities. He went on further to say that even though some donors may not have had money to assist the funding requirements of homes such as C.H.A.N.C.E, the business community and citizens should join hands to address this growing problem of parentless homes in South Africa. In cases where people could not donate their money, Adv. Mokoena (SC) said even people arriving at the home on a frequent basis, to read the children stories would go a long way to making the children feel special.
Whilst there may be a perception that people of the legal fraternity are somewhat ‘cold’ or ‘distant’, Adv. Mokoena (SC) is quite the opposite; this gentleman regards the ninety children of C.H.A.N.C.E as his own, and he reminded us that these children only dream of a swimming pool, and that they do not know the meaning and significance of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or even Christmas holidays and family bonding. His message is a serious awakening for the many people who take these matters for granted, and those who complain about the over-crowed shopping malls, or their insatiable desire for the latest technological gadgets and other societal trappings. The friends at C.H.A.N.C.E. and their care-givers are grounded on humble values which have meaning, and so their adage of love, support and understanding underpins the manner in which they are caring for these children in Springs.
Ironically, it was by chance that I met these beautiful children at C.H.A.N.C.E. As part of CGF Research Institute’s (‘CGF’) efforts to assist impoverished communities, we try and sketch some of the information about various children-based NGOs and their basic requirements, in order that a prospective donor will include them as a new beneficiary.
In terms of raising awareness, our CSI (Corporate Social Investment) approach includes partnering with various NGOs to bolster the efforts of having a greater impact upon the poor. As a part of CGF’s CSI programmes -- supported by Wot-If? Trust -- CGF seeks registered NPOs where impoverished children are involved. Through Wot-If? Trust, CGF is provided Teddy Bears which are a donation from Big Five Duty Free. Big Five Duty Free encourage travelers at all major South African Airports to buy the Teddy Bears and leave them behind in large bins and these are then donated to those less fortunate. As the batches of Teddy Bears are delivered to CGF, we then go in search for NPOs such as C.H.A.N.C.E with needy children, in order to add a little spark of joy to their day.
Whilst the initial purpose of CGF is to deliver the Teddy Bears to the children, in reality we have a greater objective. So often, only the larger and more ‘visible’ NPOs -- who have structured marketing campaigns -- are recognised by the corporates, and these NPOs are usually the first to be assisted with various forms of financial aid. Expectedly, the smaller registered NPOs are generally overlooked, and it for this reason that CGF specifically targets this segment of NPOs. In doing this, through CGF’s wide reach within the corporate and government communities, we encourage the donors to consider splitting their existing CSI investment monies amongst the smaller NPOs we have identified.
Some of C.H.A.N.C.E’s challenges include:
- Transport to school and extra mural activities
- Assistance with homework in the afternoons
- Holiday / foster care
- Development of individual talents
- Job opportunities for school leaving children (as they have to be discharged at the age of 18 years and usually have no parents / friend / or relatives to go to)
- Security around the premises for the safety of the staff and children
- Entertainment during school holidays are also a challenge to keep them busy in a constructive manner
- Upgrades to the property