The Sober Sheep
Alexander Lopez
SAAS Enterprise Leader @ Cisco | Changing the World | High Tech Leadership | Minority Owned Business Leader | President and Performer
It was around my senior year in undergraduate business studies when a very well known Strategic Management case around a individual who was inebriated reported to work. The question was simple from the professor: Ok soon to be Managers, what do you do?
Pretty simple answer most of us thought - fire the person right away. Once the tally was taken in the class, overwhelmingly instant unemployment seemed to be the popular and most recommended answer.
The answer hidden behind the pull down shade on the whiteboard included two words: Start Managing.
It sort of caught most of us by surprise. Such a clear cut answer for a clear cut behavior. What we had neglected to realize was our potential impact and contribution to that employee behaving in such a way. For the first time in my young career it came to my realization that its about the "we" not simply the "you."
The discussion progressed around presenting the employee with the Company Sponsored Help Line for any issues regarding employee health and needs associated with those identified conditions. Speaking to the employee, offering a safe environment to speak - and most importantly working to a long term solution. Creating a place of support vs. a place of hostility - all went against the grain for most 1st time to be managers.
However, that doesn't really happen right? I mean thats just an exercise in academia, correct? Sadly, it is not. As a leader, the signs are usually not as obvious as someone stumbling into an office under the influence. However they are there if you look close enough.
The question becomes, as a leader, how do you know when you can help, or even be in a position to offer help? This is when becoming familiar with the Employee Resources and teaming up with HR is critical to success. These will become tools in your arsenal to help your team outgrow their potential.
Today is World Mental Health Day - the world we live in is so much more complex than ever. Your colleagues are inundated with more work, distractions, and stress than ever before. As leaders, how do we make a difference?
Its a bit easier than you think - we can all start by - Observing, Listening, and Engaging (O.L.E.).
As leaders, we often get so caught up in the quantitative parts of the business, that we forget the more human side or qualitative side of our companies.
There are several leaders I have worked for that had the knack (the great ones at least), to understand when to stop company talk and address how I was doing. It was a like a magic power, when in reality they were just practicing (O.L.E.). They quickly understood that without addressing what was going on, the rest really wasn't going to be as important or have the impact it was intended to have.
As we drive awareness for Mental Health - take the time to really practice the O.L.E. approach. If you are in a meeting and someone falls asleep and starts counting sheep, don't guilt them on how could you - think of the circumstances that potentially led them there. In fact, it might be a very sobering moment for that leader to find out what that employee was going through.
It could be as simple as a bad nights sleep the day before, or that person could be battling the result of devastating news in their life and struggling till no end. Its no different than the College Professor's example above. Start Managing...Stop Judging. Even someone who regularly delivers at 150% might just be delivering 90% - are still performing at a high level - and most will bounce back with the proper support.
Our Employees are the secret in making our companies perennially successful, we just need to pay attention.
Lastly, if you are struggling and if you can't find someone to speak to, I am always here to have a conversation.
Happy Leading but don't forget the Start Managing,