Scott Howard
Sr. Vice President - New Business Development..DORSCOH Marketing & Consulting Ltd.
Our children are born into this world without the ability to distinguish colour, gender, race, religion, height, or weight. It is only with our extreme intellect that we, as parents and adults, through our direct contact, national, local and social media are able to educate them and reinforce the bias, hatred, discrimination and distrust that we believe they need to survive in life! Such a shame! Isn’t it obvious, that when the “Common Sense Train†pulled through town, very few, if any, actually had a ticket? It really is time to get off the “propaganda trainâ€, and recognize people are all the same….but, what they become, after their indoctrination/education…is something completely different! STOP! Look in the mirror! What do you see? You shouldn’t be seeing colour, gender, race, religion, height, or weight! You should see a person….just a person…nothing more! A person who can express themselves with love, caring, concern and consideration! Wouldn’t it all be wonderful? Sure…but that’s just me speaking! If you want to change things, get off your high horse and do something….or…just SHUT UP! I guess what I mean by that is “quit your bitchin’ “- because that would help too!