So, you're procrastinating.
Turia Pitt
Mindset Coach, International Keynote Speaker, Humanitarian, Athlete & Boss Lady at Turia Pitt International
Are you procrastinating on something?
Specifically, have you got a project idea, or a new area of your business you want to develop that you just can’t seem to get off the ground?
I know you’ve tried!
You have every intention of sitting down at your desk to productively work away on your project, your mind engaged and focused, your body fuelled only by a glass of alkaline water, sunbeams sparkling around you like efficiency angels, cheering you on as you cross another item off your To Do list.
Instead, you find yourself comparing eco-friendly fake flower varieties on a German website at the end of an Internet-fuelled distract-a-thon seven hours later.
If this is you, then CONGRATULATIONS!
You’re human.
It’s normal to procrastinate.
Especially when what you’re avoiding makes you feel scared, overwhelmed, or confused.
And, um, there’s nothing like starting or scaling an area of your business to make you feel scared, overwhelmed and confused!
But we (that’s you and I) are going to come up with a plan together.
I’ve put together a free, action-taking, procrastination-smashing guide that will help you make your project actually happen.
It's called, rather unimaginatively, "How to stop procrastinating on your business idea in 2020" and it's free to download (think of it as a very efficient Christmas gift from me to you).
It won’t take long either. I’m talking ten minutes tops.
(You have ten minutes. I know you do.)
And in ten minutes, you’ll have a solid action plan in place. So, when January 2 rolls around, you have what you need to make this project actually happen.
No more vague promises or missed deadlines.
No late night guilt.
I’m gonna show you how to get it done.
Just click here to download it.
Why am I teaching you? Great question (though, frankly, I'm shocked you have the audacity to ask! ).
Well, I’ve literally taught thousands of people how to stop procrastinating. I have entire digital courses dedicated to helping people finally overcome their self doubt, and fear, and overwhelm, and actually achieve the stuff they want to achieve.
It’s what I do - I teach people how to make stuff happen.
And, now it’s your turn to learn.
So, if there’s a business idea or other project you’ve been procrastinating on, this guide is for you.
Don’t go looking for a distraction. Don’t overthink it.
Turia xx
PS - You don’t have to be a clipboard-toting business-y type to use this guide either. Sure, I designed it for people who want to stop procrastinating in or on their business, but you can use it for literally anything you’ve been putting off.
Painting the kitchen cupboards. Washing the dog. Whatever “rolling your superannuation” is.
If you’ve been putting it off, my free guide will help you get it done.
Turia Pitt is a mindset coach, international keynote speaker, humanitarian and athlete. She is the author of ‘Unmasked’, ‘Everything to Live For’, ‘Mindset Magic’ and ‘Good Selfie’. Follow Turia on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or subscribe to her weekly newsletter here.