So, you're a people person?
This means you are able to deal with all kinds of people - you're able to influence, understand and work well with every single type of person out there. Really?
mmm ... you still think you're a people person?
Sure, there are those of us that are better at people than others, but there is no one person who can manage all the intricacies that make up the human race.
There will always be those few that we just can't seem to get - who we just can't get along with or deal with.
While a real science, and takes many years to perfect, here are a few ways to deal with people cognitively -
1. Take time to answer people
You don't have to answer straight away, especially when it's a tough or personal question. Or, perhaps an answer that requires you to be honest about someone else. Honesty is always best but often taking time to formulate that answer, can help you to word it in an objective manner
2. Don't be afraid to ask WHY
Like the 4 year old that wants to know the reason for everything, consider applying that methodology to everything you get involved in and in particular with the people you get involved with. Ask yourself why you are engaging - what is the purpose - do you feel comfortable - why form a relationship?
3. Listen to advice but be sure to keep your opinion and uniqueness
Yes, we must reach out to others and take their worldly advice from time to time, however, don't lose yourself in the process. Be firm with what you believe in and don't be afraid to say it like you believe it to be
4. Keep in mind that most people are going through something
Be kind - be aware of outside factors that can affect how people react and behave - give everyone upfront respect (what they do with it is up to them, but allow them the benefit of the doubt)
In business and life, we cannot get away from people, so it's best to learn how to deal with them so as to get the best out of them.
For all your business needs and planning, reach out and enquire on our offerings - or send me a LinkedIn direct message
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