So, you want more mortgage appointments?

So, you want more mortgage appointments?

Leaving referrals to chance is a crime against your business

At LPR Mortgage Services we use "The Referral Brain" formula for attracting more mortgage appointments.

As a very wise man once said:

"It's easy to do, it's just easier not to do."

The Referral Brain all begins by "switching on". That is, adjusting your mindset. Shifting your entire focus towards the importance of obtaining referrals from your existing clients.

No doubt, when you are with a client you should be "switched on" to every opportunity to add value to their experience with you. You need to be a "Value Adder ( V+ )"

The more value you add, the more you deposit in the referral bank. Think of value, as the benefit your client receives from you and only you. What do you bring to the table that no other adviser does? What knowledge and experience can you and only you impart to your clients? What empathy can you and only you show that others won't?

These continual value deposits into the referral bank will become vital when the time comes to ask for referrals.

Don't be afraid to ask for referrals. We will cover how to ask in another article.

For now, just consider this:

If every client you formed a fantastic working relationship with introduced you to just two others that needed your service, how long would it take you to build up a family of clients of over one thousand?

Do the maths.

Switch On!


