So, you want to be a Marketing Lead
??: Nina Brock

So, you want to be a Marketing Lead

Whether you're a current student, a recent grad, or looking to grow in your current role Holly K Perleoni, DBA , Marketing Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Business at Lee University , highlights the top two skills you need to stay competitive in the marketing industry.

"I firmly believe that the biggest soft skill a marketer can possess is the ability to connect. Artificial intelligence has been such a hot topic in the industry and even has people concerned about their jobs. But an automated bot can’t create relationships like people can- and that comes down to not just communicating effectively but also being able to think critically.

Understand what the data tells you and what it means for your specific company or client- a bot can’t do that. If you can take the outputs from automated systems and create a valuable product or service for your client while also communicating those benefits to your client, you are ahead of the game."

BOTTOM LINE = Want to get ahead of the game? Learn the art of communication AND be able to think critically.

Thank you, Holly!

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