So you want to lose fat
Dr. Alex Rosa
Former Sick Care Accomplice | Fusing Science & Spirituality to Help Female Athletes & High Performers 40+ Have the Body & Health to Stay in the Game for Life Burnout and Guesswork free
Let's try to do things right for a change
First we need to know where YOU are at!!
Because here's the truth people- Most people want a plan when they start a diet, but everyone has a different starting point, health conditions etc
So where are you at??
Start like this-
? ? ? ? ? ? ?Use My Fitness Pal or any other app that will track your protein, carbs, fats. It really doesn't matter which one you pick just pick one that you like and track consistently.
*notice I didn't mention calories
(If you are new to counting macros, have no idea what I'm talking about let me know and I'll send over a guide on the basics of healthy eating that covers this in more detail)
? ? ? ?2. Track for a week or 2, you NEED to know how much you are taking in on average. This will help you turn your CURRENT diet- into a fat loss diet.
So, we need to know how much protein fats and carbs YOU are consuming so we can reduce YOUR numbers in an educated way where you will lose fat, keep your muscle, have energy, feel good, recover from workouts, not disrupt your sleep, and not throw your hormones way off.
Just figure out how much you're eating RIGHT NOW and get used to tracking.?
We HAVE to track and this will be a valuable skill that will aid you further on in your fat loss journey- where in the end you can maintain a healthy body weight, composition, and better health. ?
Ok so in the next article in this fat loss series I'll cover how to determine the number of calories you'll need for healthy and sustainable fat loss.
Questions/thoughts you might have-?
Do I need to use My Fitness Pal to track my macros?- No, It really doesn't matter which app or method you pick just pick one that you like and track consistently. I say MFP because MOST people have attempted to use it already and are somewhat familiar with it so the learning curve is less.
The word diet triggers me, I don't want to be on a diet. Listen I'm all about lifestyle, but a lifestyle is something you maintain over a long time and we FIRST need to get to a place that we want to maintain, so we need to do some work. We need to diet to get to a new set point that we want to maintain for LIFE. The skills, mindset, and identity you develop over this time is what will BE your new lifestyle. Diet or dieting is a way of eating, for a very specific reason to get a desired result, for a period of time. And if you're someone who has fat to lose then your current diet and lifestyle is keeping you fat. So do something about it.
What if I'm an experienced dieter, should I still do this step? Well, here's some hard truth for you- just because you've tried to lose fat through dieting before doesn't make you experienced. You are experienced when you are SUCCESSFUL. And most of us are repeated FAILURES when it comes to dieting. So no boo- you are not experienced and you should ABSOLUTELY start here.?
Tracking triggers me, I feel xyz when I track my food, it brings up xyz feeling/memories, can I just do something else? So a few things- if you are going to rock with me, then you WILL have to track your macros, point blank. You can't change what you don't track. And I'm not a therapist, so if these thoughts are coming up please talk to someone about your relationship with food first, heal that, and I can almost guarantee your health will improve from that ONE step. Then you can come back to me and rock it out. So getting back to tracking- at the very least you need to know WHAT foods you are consuming. Do you really remember what exactly you ate 6 days ago? I would guess not- so you have to track so you know where you stand. Can you make improvements to your health by eating whole real foods and less junk- yes absolutely. But I don't think you'd have read this far if that's ALL you cared about. You want to SEE a change, you know you have excess fat that you want to lose for whatever reason- so this is how you'll start making it happen. And losing body fat improves ALL areas of your health and wellness for almost ALL people- lab work, physically, mentally, emotionally- there's so much to gain by LOSING fat.