So you Want to Grow your Private Practice...?

So you Want to Grow your Private Practice...?

You want to treat more people, help more people and increase your income on the way, yes?

So you look for advice.

You ask a few colleagues and get the usual Eton Mess of well - meaning guesswork, bullshit and outright lies designed to keep you in your place and preserve the status quo.

You look everywhere you can and try to make sense of it all and find someone who can help you.

And then you stumble across the gem I stumbled across on Facebook a couple of days ago:


Rant approaching!

My business is helping consultant colleagues to grow their private practices.

Not everything I have done has worked for sure, but I have been directly responsible for generating millions of pounds of extra income for my clients over the years.

And I have the testimonials to prove it.

And I can tell you right here and now that your damn logo is IRRELEVANT.

Look, I am a (simple) surgeon and think (simply) like a (simple) surgeon.

And whether or not you happen to be a physician, gently shaking your head at the directness and black-and-whiteness of the thinking of your surgical colleagues, of their apparent lack of "sophistication" and "nuance", I have no doubt that you will still acknowledge the effectiveness of our decision making processes.

Acknowledge the fact that when you're cutting bits out of sick - often very sick - people and re-arranging their anatomy in unexpected and unnatural ways that there is NO ROOM for error.

No room for error or bullshit.

So believe me when I say that marketing your private practice is not rocket science.

It is totally amenable to common sense, it just takes a different way of looking at things.

For example:

Imagine you have opened your bowels one morning and see fresh blood in the pan.

A worrying symptom I think you'll agree.

And that night after work, with the spouse and children asleep, you're surfing the 'net in the dark and alone, frightened, wondering what it might mean, fearing the worst.

Looking for someone to see about your problem.

You come across websites of consultants talking about your symptoms, and you have to decide who you're going to see, who you're going to pick up the phone to in the morning.

Is the logo at the top of the page going to sway your decision?

I mean, is it?

You're terrified that you have cancer, you've been bleeding from your bottom, and you're going to look at the logo?




What WILL sway your decision is the CONTENT on the page.

What WILL sway your decision are testimonials about the clinician concerned.

What WILL sway your decision is whether or not he or she comes across as kind, knowledgeable and caring from what they say on their website.

What will sway your decision is a HUNDRED other things.

The damn logo is doesn't even make the list.

Are you surprised?

Of course not.

You just hadn't thought of it that way before. And now you DO, it makes complete sense.

My business is helping consultants like you to grow your private practices.

To help more patients and make more money by doing so.

I do this by providing any service you need.

Need a website?

My team can build you one.

Don't know how to market your practice?

I can advise you (yes, me. Not an employee, me personally.)

Want to work with me one-one-one to grow your practice?

You can.

And I charge for my expertise.

Of course I do, just the same as you charge for your expertise.

But whether you would ever apply to become a client of mine is irrelevant.

I'm choosy who I work with, because like you I want results, and no matter what I do to HELP you I can't do it all FOR you.

But all that aside, a word of advice for free.

Watch, listen and learn.

But be careful who you watch, listen and learn FROM.

Best wishes,

Dev Lall BSc(HONS) MB ChB FRCS(Eng.) FRCS(Gen. Surg.)

The Private Practice Expert

For 31 Hints, Tips and Strategies to grow your Private Practice go to:


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