So You Wanna Get Into The CBD Biz ?

So You Wanna Get Into The CBD Biz ?

Gotta say that it's nothing new.

No offense, I mean it is the HOTtest and COOLest industry ever and I can't blame ya.

You maybe even heard that EVERYONE in cannabis is making money hand over fist and the future could only look greener for all those in the know. Right?

So why wouldn’t you want to dive right in? Take that first opportunity you hear about?

Heck, why not bet it all on your neighbor or co-worker who seems to know what they’re talking about. You know who I mean. What could ever go wrong with her advice?

Well…a crap ton of things to be honest, but before you go down that road let me uncover just a little bit of the real world that makes up this heavenly industry that is Cannabis, aka: the green rush.

First off, let's keep it simple. It is far from what you think. It’s a brand new industry and with a brand new industry comes brand new problems. Problems and issues that many people frankly do not see or understand even exist in the space, but can still have a dramatic impact on how they enter the biz.

Now, of course, I can’t cover the every aspect of the biz or the issues in one email, but if you bear with me a couple a minutes I'll cover some of the big ones.

>> The stigma may be attached forever <<

Sure, maybe you smoked the occasional joint back in high school and you’re generally ok with the plant, but do you realize how many people have absolutely no acceptance for it? I speak from experience when I say that you’ll quickly learn that you're "friends" may be less friendly simply because you are associated with the legal Cannabis Industry. Friends will melt away, colleagues will disassociate, and you’ll forever be fighting the uphill battle to convince people otherwise. I know this for a fact. We lived it. It’s not all bad though. At the end of the day, this is also one of the most rewarding battles in cannabis as well as we all fight to slowly eliminate that negative stigma. Step by step my friends.

>> Lack of Pros is Evident <<

This a big one. Nah...a HUGE one. As the industry (generally speaking) is emerging from the dark side into the light, many folks are finding the skills needed to run a legit business are non existent. It is shocking sometimes how big this industry is blowing up and yet how poorly business is still handled in general. The lack of professionalism is a definite eye opener in some aspects, and the mismanagement of business has likely cost some unprepared 'entrepreneurs' already. The time is now to usher in a new level of professionalism.

>> The feds and the government are PERFECT <<

Of course that is a total snark. I think this goes without saying, but it still is amazing how little prospective employees, investors, and canna-startup entrepreneurs know about the rules & regs that are the framework for this brand new, busting at the seems industry. Dealing state-to-state in the legal CBD biz is one add in the complexities of medical marijuana and rec legal marijuana and the web is even more tangled then ever before. Startup beware...just when you understand it...Uncle Sam changes the rules. Ready to master the game?

Seriously though. My intent is not to paint a bleak picture but rather the contrary. The hi-light the opportunity and more so to bring forward the fact that it is ALL possible if one starts the right way from the get go. As I mentioned before, It’s a brand new and massively growing space, and we’re all trying to figure it out.

And that's why we created the worlds first CBD Business startup bootcamp. Simply put it's 8 weeks of legit CBD business startup fundamentals aimed at getting your idea or current CBD biz on track for whopping success.


So now the choice is yours...

Roll the dice, see what happens and let the wind (maybe) blow your sails...


Hit the link and set your own damn course.

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