So You Think You're a Team Player?

So You Think You're a Team Player?

So You Think You’re a Team Player? 4 ways to find out.

I want to challenge you today. But first, a quick story.

Michael Jordan—*the undisputed GOAT*—spent seven years as the NBA’s best player without winning a championship. His insane talent and relentless drive weren’t enough. Why? He tried to do it all himself. Only when he learned to elevate his teammates did he start winning.

Unlike sports, life doesn’t hand out trophies when we finally learn hard lessons. Sometimes, we never learn them at all. And that’s exactly what I want to prevent.

So ask yourself: Are you indeed a team player?

We all think we are—until things get tough. Then, selfishness creeps in. We assume the worst. We hide from struggle. We leave others to fight alone.

Here are four challenges that expose whether you're a team player—and how to prepare for them.

1. The Challenge of COMPLEXITY

Life isn’t black and white. People are complicated. Organizations have competing interests. Complexity reveals what you value—sometimes, it’s not the team.

How to prepare: Seek to understand before being understood. Get outside your perspective.

2. The Challenge of CRISIS

Crisis accelerates everything—it reveals your commitment to the group. Will you see it as a dangerous moment… or an opportunity?

How to prepare: Build strong relationships before the storm hits. Invest in trust.

3. The Challenge of CHANGE

Change is painful, so we resist it—even when it’s best for the team.

How to prepare: Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Get used to discomfort in small ways.

4. The Challenge of CELEBRATION

Can you genuinely celebrate a teammate’s success? Or do you let jealousy creep in?

How to prepare: Become the lead celebrator. Be the first to recognize others’ wins.

Your Move

Do you want to be a team player? Prove it. Choose one of these challenges and start working on it today.

And whatever you do—keep on keepin’ on.


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