So You Think You're Robust?
Alan Graham
Group Trading Director at Tetrosyl Group Ltd | Tetrosyl Express | T-Cut | Car Gods | Triple R | CarPlan | Rocket TT | Carlube | Hycote | Bartoline | Autotek | Nitromors | Bubble Baby | Quinton Hazell | TJ Filters | CI
Many people will have taken time during the ongoing pandemic and lockdown to re-evaluate their position/business/general current situation. Some will have been furloughed, some may sadly have been made redundant, some may be working longer hours, some less hours. One thing is consistent across these scenarios; very few people were truly prepared for a global situation on this level and the ramifications to everyday life.
The smart advice now recommends to prepare yourself, your finances and your position/business/model for future events like this happening again. One word I'm increasingly hearing used is "robust".
How robust is your current work situation, really? Consider the following:
- Which market/sector do you operate in? Is it essential or necessary? Or a "luxury" sector (which might be another word for non-essential or even unnecessary)
- Are you in direct control of your supply chain and production/manufacturing?
- Is your sales model fully controlled or more like a pyramid?
- Do you embrace all things digital?
- Does your business have the necessary skill set and experience at the top level to navigate their way through situations like this and plan pro-actively for the future.
- Does your business have a Risk Management process in place?
If you are considering your future and/or that of your business, think about some of the points above and give some thought to truly how robust your situation is to be able to cope with any future events and, most importantly, what you are starting to do about it now.
Satcho is a Global Business Development consultancy firm. Objective based principles allow us to ensure we establish and align activity with strategic and operational goals of our clients. We specialise in sales, marketing and operations with multi-market experience in several sectors; automotive, retail, insurance, healthcare and SAAS. Sustainability is forefront in our mind with everything we do.
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