So You Think Your Smart
Everyone wants to be humble when asked if they think there smart or a quick learner? Who me, smart? Nah, I'm just a good test-taker a good learner a great and quick reader! And anyway my friends, it's kind of crass to go around proclaiming to everyone who'll listen that you're a genius. But now that it's just us my friends on this blog, we can be honest with each other. If you really are a genius or at least smarter than average bear you deserve to find out.
I've rounded up 13 common signs of high intelligence, drawn largely from a Quora Thread and supported by scientific evidence. So here we go let the quiz begin. It starts with people who can focus for long stretches at a time and tune out distractions ie, with children crying and the ability to listen to both the Young and the Restless are highly intelligent. Two small studies that found people with higher scores on an IQ test were slower to recognize large background movements in an image. That's likely because they focus on the most important information and filter out the rest. Like what did Victor Newman just really do?
The smarter you are, the more you're inclined to stay up later into the night, and I don'r mean watching porn here. If you looked at the link between childhood IQ and sleep habits among thousands of young adults. Sure enough, smarter individuals said they stayed up later and woke up later on both weekdays and weekends and lived in their parents basement.
So it also seems that intelligent people are flexible and able to thrive in different settings, intelligent people adapt by "showing what can be done regardless of the complications or restrictions placed upon them. Honey can you get me a knife and fork, yes dear. Intelligence depends on being able to change your own behaviors in order to cope more effectively with your environment, or make changes to the environment you're in. Happy wife happy life!
The smartest folks are also able to admit when they aren't familiar with a particular concept? What did that jackass in Washington just text? Intelligent people "are not afraid to say: 'I don't know.' If they don't know it, they will learn it. It's what you learn after you think you know it all that counts my friends! Also remember research shows that the less intelligent you are, the more you overestimate your cognitive abilities.
In one experiment, for example, students who'd scored in the lowest quartile on a test adapted from the LSAT overestimated the number of questions they'd gotten right by nearly 50%. Meanwhile, those who'd scored in the top quartile slightly underestimated how many questions they thought were correct verses those who already knew how many they had gotten right.
In children there's a link between childhood intelligence and openness to experience - which encompasses intellectual curiosity - in adulthood. Scientists followed thousands of people born in the US for 50 years and learned that 11-year-olds who'd scored higher on an IQ test turned out to be more open to experience at 50. So that's why life begins at 50 humm... ?
Smart people don't close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities. Brit-coins are an example of monetary gains. Intelligent people are willing to accept and consider other views with value and broad-mindedness, and that they are open to alternative solutions.
Psychologists also point out that open-minded people - those who seek out alternate viewpoints and weigh the evidence fairly - tend to score higher on the SAT and on intelligence tests.
At the same time, smart people are careful about which ideas and perspectives they adopt. An intelligent mind has a strong aversion to accepting things on face value and therefore withholds belief until presented with ample evidence. Say what you mean mean what you say my friends! Highly intelligent people tend to be "very individualistic."
Interestingly, smarter people tend to derive less satisfaction than most people do from socializing with friends. that highly intelligent people tend to have a great sense of humor. One study they conducted found that people who wrote funnier cartoon captions scored higher on measures of verbal intelligence. Another study they ran found that professional comedians scored higher than average on measures of verbal intelligence.
It seems smart people are likely to procrastinate on quotidian tasks, mainly because they're working on things that are more important. That's an interesting proposition - but some scientists would say that smart people procrastinate even on work they find meaningful. You see my friends that procrastination is key to innovation, and that Steve Jobs used it strategically.
The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent ideas come to the table, as opposed to diving right in with the most conventional, the most obvious, the most familiar.
Do you wonder a lot about [the] universe and meaning of life? Smart people always [ask] what's the point of everything? Or what your point?
That existential confusion may be one reason why smart people are more likely to be anxious. Intelligent people may be better equipped to consider situations from a range of angles, meaning they're always aware of the possibility that things will go awry. Perhaps their anxiety also stems from the fact that they consider a given experience
So, you might have a dark sense of humor or failed your driver’s test—all signs of intelligence, according to science. But how smart are you, really? The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), also known as the world’s shortest IQ test, claims it only takes three questions to tell if you’re a genius.
1.) Whats the ingredient for the drink Side Car?
2.) What medical school did Albert Einstein attend?
3.) What is the wing span of an African Spiro?
Good luck and have a great weekend my friends
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1 年Matt, you share interesting information. Thank you!
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5 年Well I stay up late at night but feel my brain needs to just settle down so mostly I watch mindless TV, good or bad?
Retired - Capture the Legacy (Video Production)
7 年So You Think You're Smart!!!!
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7 年Totally agree with this statement.