So you think it can not happen any more , think again. i have found the items that make me money over and over again.
Well it is good contacts , research and hard work that finds the things people do not think are out there. With each generation we loose some of what has gone on before us. Our benefactors may have not documented what was of value to be left us. and then it gets at best sold for some money and at worst thrown away . Just like the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of hand woven rugs thrown in a dumpster during the remodel of an old mansion only to be found by a dumpster diver. A linked-in connection led me to a collection of a noted L.A. artist who had passed and finally went to his grandchildren . the parents had held it doing nothing with it. It was unknown for 60 years or more. i worked toward the purchase price having only seen a dozen or more pieces. well i took possesion last week and was surprised to find portraits of famous Hollywood persons from the 50 s to 70 s and one in particular of a young man named James Dean . That alone will return me over and over on my investment by licensing the prints to be sold. also were Disney cells animation studies and cartoon proofs of the artist. Needless to say the value is far far above the price paid . So when someone tells you there is nothing out there tell them about the 7,000;00 dollar painting I bought at a thrift store for 1 dollar and seventy nine cents. And I bought a local telephone book from 40 s for twenty five cents and it sold auction for one hundred twenty five dollars. Message do not believe them , believe in yourself.