As a former trainee ballroom and Latin American dancing instructor, I saw firsthand that while the technical steps of a dance can be taught, the rhythm, which is the soul and essence of the dance, can not be taught. When someone has no inner rhythm, you can teach them the steps but they always look unnatural and awkward. You can clearly see that they know the steps, but they just never look like they are comfortable dancing.

Entrepreneurship, much like dancing, is a complex blend of skills and innate qualities. Structured, learnable aspects like marketing, bookkeeping, and HR management can be taught. However, the intrinsic qualities that define successful entrepreneurs - work ethic, conscientiousness, tenacity, and the ability to spot and capitalise on opportunities - are similar to a dancer's innate rhythm. These qualities often need to come from within the individual and are difficult to near impossible to teach.

The question of whether entrepreneurial flare is inborn or can be taught has been a subject of study and debate. While some aspects can be taught, the core entrepreneurial spirit needs real-world experience.

Entrepreneurial instinct manifests in various ways, such as opportunity recognition, risk tolerance, tenacity, resilience, vision, and ambition. These qualities, like a dancer's inherent sense of rhythm, are not easily taught. Education can provide valuable tools and knowledge, but it's the individual's instinctive drive, fuelled by their own internal “rhythm” that truly defines them as an entrepreneur.

So just as in teaching someone to dance, entrepreneurial development agencies can only teach the “steps”. ?The steps and methods can be learned, but the true essence, the rhythm that drives innovation and creativity, comes from within the individual. Entrepreneurship is about harmonising this internal rhythm with the learned skills to create, innovate, and significantly impact the South African economy.

It is that "inner rhythm" that we need to look for when choosing entrepreneurs for our enterprise and supplier development programmes.

ABOUT: Denvor Phokaners

Denvor Phokaners has been instrumental in supporting corporations with their Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) Strategies. His proficiency includes identifying optimal candidates for ESD initiatives and delivering thorough training to entrepreneurs encompassing sales, marketing, social media marketing, and beyond.

Denvor brings extensive experience in launching products in over 20 countries. He has also successfully managed and coached sales teams globally.


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