So, You Have a Problem
We all come across various type of problems, the small ones, and bigger ones. Sometimes we “hit the wall” and face what someone would call a crisis. What to do then?
Focus on Solution
When you are facing a problem or crisis. You may feel urge diving deep into the “mud” and dwelling, “Oh, my God! How this happened”! or “Why this happened”? Instead of doing so, start to actively focus on solution. Stop dark and gloomy thoughts and say to yourself, out loud, “Stop right there! I’m going to fix this problem”! Then you take a pen or start tap with your computer list of problem solving solutions one after another. Don’t be judgmental and don’t start to think of any little nuances. Just write as many solutions as possible you can come up with. The great preliminary action before you start writing your list of solutions is to read some non-fiction book or biography which inspires you and then start to write the list right away.
Houston, Houston. I Have a Problem
I’ve been wrestling with one big problem myself for quite some time now. I purposely took the whole weekend off from my usual work stuff. I didn’t write, nor actively even thought about the problem I need to solve. This morning, I woke up at 05.00 which is usual for me when I’m at my normal energy level state. I felt perked up. I came to our living room and took a book and read for almost hour and a half. Then I laid down for 15 minutes, closed my eyes and just breath and focused on not thinking about anything specific. My next move was to make espresso and start writing my list. Within two minutes I came up with not just one but six problem solving suggestions on how to tackle the problem in hand. “Ok, but you still have that problem Jyrki”. Yes, I still have that problem indeed. My next move is to start doing those acts I just wrote on my list one by one. If one doesn’t work, I simply move on to do the next one and the next one. Right now, all those problem solving solutions look great to me! Five out of six are fun kind of solutions! One of the solutions is a brand new one. The idea for it started to form yesterday when we were at our daughter’s friend’s birthday party. Imagine that! You never know when and where the next idea comes up. ?
Ask Advice
A good form of action on top of writing a list of problem solving actions, is to ask some smart people if they could give you some advice. More heads can often help out to solve the problem with speed. ?