So why can’t we change our behaviours, and why can’t we stop global warming?
Lucy EarthGuardiansEducation
Environmental Awareness Teacher (Earth Healing/Human Healing)
For many years now, I have been connecting with a small group of incredible individuals, that I have come to honour and respect, because they all have one thing in common, they are all passionate about the fight for the protection, of all vulnerable that belongs to all Earth’s nature, in all different capacities.
But what makes all of these very special individuals, stand out from the average person?
The average person has developed, many more, ‘I AM’, ego emotional wounds and suffering. But these very special individuals, have developed many more of the, ‘WE ARE’, altruistic emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness.
So what are these, ‘I AM’, ego emotions, and why can’t most of us humans change these behaviours?
Approximately 2000 years ago, our ancestors began to develop an individualistic society, because we all started to rely on money for our own individual and close families survival, but this materialism, began to change our emotional behavioural patterns, from the ‘WE ARE’ altruistic emotional behavioural patterns of the collective consciousness, towards instead, our own individual, ‘I AM’, ego emotional behavioural patterns, of self-survival, self-preservation, and self-protection. No-one is to blame for this, except money, but this is why, we have all now, become “slaves to money”. But it is much more serious than this, because our emotions develop our memories. But just to make life a little bit more complicated, we have all developed, three different memories. Our main memory, that neuroscience experts refer to as our Long term memory. Our working memory. And, our *genetic memory, that we are going to discuss in a lot more detail throughout this very big book. But all of our personal emotions, and that includes, all of our individual and different ‘I AM’ ego emotions, become stored into our main, Long term memory, and that is the reason that the ‘I AM’ ego emotions, have become the most highly influential, for two, very important reasons. First, we all began storing our ego emotions into our Long term memories, right back since our very early childhoods, and we continue to activate, and that is why, we accumulate and store, more of these ego emotions into our memories, throughout our childhoods and into adulthood, whenever we are having, an emotional event. Second, when we all became adults, all of these individual and different ‘I AM’ ego survival emotions, began to kick-in to take centre stage in our memories. This is why “money”, has become the root cause of all of our mistreatment of each other, all of our ego hurts, ego fears, ego stress, all ego conflicts with each other, and many hundreds of different, ego emotional wounds and sufferings. Because we are now, all fully reliant on money for our own individual and close families survival, not each other. And that includes, myself. However, this is the reason that, we cannot stop global warming, because there are now, far too many individuals, extreme ego-greed for money behavioural patterns, that are waging war on our fragile Planet Earth, and causing the rapid depletion and destruction, of all that is vulnerable that belongs to all Earth’s nature, for instance, all of our trees in our forests, all of our Earth’s resources, and all vulnerable that belongs to Earth’s nature, that you will find in a long list at the end of (Section One).
This is why, we are currently, running out of time, but this is why my allegiance lies, and will always lie, in the protection of our home, our fragile Planet Earth, for without her protection our human lives will cease to exist, because, “money, can only buy the resources that nature can provide, and now that these individuals are destroying all Earth’s nature, they are also destroying us all!”
But it’s not only money, that has caused the development of all of our individual and different, ‘I AM’ ego emotional wounds and suffering, as you will also come to discover, throughout the first half of this book (Section One). Nonetheless, this is the reason that, we cannot change our human behaviours, unless we have the courage to begin to adapt our behaviours, by teaching practical solutions for us all to fully develop instead, the 'WE ARE’, altruistic emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness. So what are these altruistic emotional behavioural patterns?
Approximately 10,000 years ago, and many thousands of years before mankind began to fully rely on money for our own individual and close families survival, there was far less population. And most of our ancestors had to become hunter gatherers to survive, all living in small settlements, and all working together, and caring for each other. This is how our ancestors began to develop and store into our *Long term memories, many more dominant, 'WE ARE’, altruistic emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness. But, because our ancestors developed many more emotions of “Unconditional LOVE”, empathy, compassion, loving-kindness, and generosity of their human spirit towards each other, this is how they gained heightened awareness for the suffering of others, and took action to protect each other, through the brotherhood of mankind, united and at peace with each other. This is the reason that the, 'WE ARE’, altruistic emotions, are associated with the emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness.
And then, a few thousand years later, other behaviours began to develop more dominantly, once some of our ancestors began the extreme ego-greed to obtain some of our Earth’s resources, and land etc. That then continued, a very long cycle of conflicts and wars with each other, that by the way, also triggered some individuals, extreme ego behaviours, to activate our ancient ancestors more aggressive genetic emotions, stored in our genetic memory. But don’t worry about the Scientific details, all of this will be revealed a little later in (Section One).
Imagine now, that all 8 billion plus people, found the practical solutions to adapt our behaviours, so that we all first, fully developed altruistic emotions of “Unconditional LOVE”, first, for self? Because, if we don’t even have heightened awareness, loving-kindness and compassion, for our own individual, ego emotional wounds and suffering, how on earth can we all gain heightened awareness, and give loving-kindness and compassion, towards the suffering of others? This is why, “LOVE”, is the most powerful gift that we can give to each other, but “Unconditional LOVE”, empathy, compassion, loving-kindness, and generosity of our human spirit, is an even greater “LOVE”, that has far more healing powers. But the enormous benefits of these altruistic emotions, cannot possibly be explained in this very small introduction chapter, this is simply the beginning of these discussions, however, the wealth that we gain internally, is far far more rewarding, than any money or financial rewards that anyone could ever receive, in any one persons life-time.
But what is this inner wealth? Inner wealth can only be described, as the true meaning of integrity. And so I tried to look up the true meaning, but believe it or not, no-one has written anywhere, in any books, in any simple language about this true meaning. And so I thought I would write my own personal meaning. The true meaning of integrity, is an inner emotion, a feeling, a knowing of purity, goodness, kindness and compassion, that is given out to all things, and without expecting anyone, or anything, to know or care if they know that you possess this gift or not. It is the purity of giving the heart and mind, to help others, without expecting anything in return, and, without allowing the heart and mind to be obsessed with any other thought patterns, except purity, goodness, kindness and compassion. And once we gain integrity, we raise our energy levels to a higher level, so that our thought patterns, can become connected to forces that we usually are not able to, and we also receive; inner compassion, inner serenity, inner love, inner peace, and inner silence, in our minds, in our hearts, and in our souls. And once this is achieved, we are then able to have compassion for, and see clearly, love, respect and protect, all that is around us, the people, the nature, the animals, the environment, and most of all, our home, our fragile Planet Earth.? This is when, and only when, there will be no more suffering on our fragile Planet Earth, ever again!
But this is why, this new-Earth, needs some very special people, protecting her at all times, and that, can only be provided as a global collective, in other words, “together”, all of us, every single one of us, working together in collective peace, blissful happiness, loving-kindness, and generosity of our human spirit, within ourselves, towards each other, and most of all, towards our home, our fragile Planet Earth,….so that we all take care of each other, and take care of, all that is vulnerable that belongs to all Earth's nature......this is when, there will be no more suffering on our fragile Planet Earth, ever again! And this is when we will all, finally get to experience a life of Paradise here on Earth.
But, if we could break this down into a simple explanation, it could be described like this. The ‘I AM’, ego emotions, and the ‘WE ARE’, altruistic emotions, is similar to the energies of ying and yang, the dark and the light. And once we discover the practical solutions for us all to work together, through the ‘WE ARE’, altruistic emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness, through a global collective, free from all ego emotions, the Universal energies of Love and Light, will begin to shine in our hearts and minds, and then, only the Light will prevail here on our fragile Planet Earth. But the scientific details, practical solutions, and results of these practices will be explained, in much more detail throughout the rest of this very big book.
Remember that, we are currently, running out of time. This is the reason, that we are going to dedicate a few, very important chapters, getting to know our Earth, that will also provide some very urgent, short-term solutions, necessary for our collective survival. The longer-term solutions, will also be discussed throughout the second half of this book (Section Two).? And this is the reason that this, a very big book, written by my own life-times experience as a human, and therefore, it’s not for the faint-hearted, because, never before in our human history, have we had the courage to discuss these different emotions, and how they have influenced the development of our different memories.
However, it is very important to recognise at this early stage, that none of this book can possibly be understood, without reading or listening to all 13 chapters. This is because, all 13 chapters are inter-connected with all other chapters. And this is why, in the second half of this book, (Section Two), we are going to venture beyond our existing emotional behavioural patterns, to discover a few practical solutions for us all to be released and healed from all of our different, ego emotional wounds and suffering, to fully develop instead, the ‘WE ARE’, altruistic emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness, when we can all begin to live a collective life, together, in blissful happiness, peace, and harmony with each other, a collective life of Paradise here on Earth, because currently, most of us have absolutely no idea, what is out there, waiting to be discovered about ourselves, and how magical life could be. And even a very few individuals, very special altruistic thought patterns (energy), will even get to experience, some of the greatest gifts and miracles, that all of mankind has tried to find for thousands of years. These are just a very few, of the enormous benefits, of our advanced, ‘WE ARE’, altruistic emotions and behaviours of the collective consciousness.
But currently, most of us are still stuck in the same ego emotional behavioural patterns as our ancestors, this is why our inner, ego chattering, still continues to seek distractions, they cannot seek silence, because they demand control of our memories, and that is why, they are responsible for all of our individual and different, adult, ego emotional behaviours patterns. However, it is very important to recognise that, we are all very different, and therefore, we have all developed, very different ego emotions, and in all different, degrees of strength, some mild, some dominant, and some extreme, as we already mentioned earlier. Nonetheless, all of our ego chattering, demands the control of our memories, and that is how many of us develop, for instance, short-attention span behaviours, ego obsession behaviours, ego addiction behaviours, ego depression behaviours, all ego fears, ego hurts, ego stress, ego anxieties, ego hate, and all ego-greed for money behaviours, and many other individual and different, ego emotional wounds and suffering, that you will find in a long list throughout (Section One). Remember that, we are all very different, and therefore, we have all developed, very different ego emotions, and in all different, degrees of strength, some mild, some dominant, and some extreme. But, one thing we can all be absolutely sure of, that it is our ego emotional behavioural patterns, that is the only reason that we cannot change our behaviours, and why, we will never be able to stop, global warming.
Servant of God; Follower of Jesus. Advocate for a "Reverence for Life", the ethos that is the love of Jesus bestowed universally. Blogger and Author of the For Our Friends the Animals quartet. Cancer survivor!
1 年A difficult issue to streamline, but allow me to try. The difficulty is in presenting individuals with an amorphous concept such as global warming. For most people this is akin to complaining about the expansion of the universe. Worse, global warming Cassandras offer no underlying ethos to propel individual action. We are subjected to puerile platitudes such "no oil" , and " down with big.." you fill in the blank. Let's focus on altering our human ethos from indifferent consumption to involved enhancement, from hubris to love, from bystander to owner. Adopt the ethos of a reverence for life, the firm tenet that all life has worth and value, that our solemn duty as humans is to protect, assist, and enhance all life, and the solutions to our destructive tendencies will present themselves. We must first change ourselves, then our world. Cheers!