So where does your time go?
Aileen Gallagher
Leadership & Performance Coach & Mentor for CEO's, Business Owners & Senior Executives
How we spend our time determines the level of success we’ll have in life and in business…and the speed at which we’ll achieve the goals we’ve set out. ????
It’s important to be really aware of where our time is being invested…and how much value we’re getting from that time.
The Productivity Pyramid is a tool we use to help explain this. It shows the different categories of activities that we all do. ?????????
As shown, the Productivity Pyramid is composed of Zero/Negative Value tasks at the bottom.
These are activities that bring no value into our lives and into our businesses. In fact in some cases, these are activities that negatively impact our productivity…watching too much mindless TV, eating or drinking excessively, staying up too late etc ??????
The next level up is Low Dollar Value [insert your own currency!!] tasks. These are tasks that you earn a low dollar per hour value from performing– can be dealing with post, email, cleaning, many…but not all admin tasks, unnecessary travelling, etc ????
The next level up is High Dollar Value tasks. These activities are the ones that give a high monetary return and include Sales meetings, some marketing, optimized purchasing, analyzing accounts/spreadsheets/finances to facilitate decision making, training your team, serving your clients etc.
At the very top, we have High Life Time Value Tasks. These include activities that bring value to your life, and include nurturing personal relationships, looking after your physical and mental health, relaxation, exercise, meditation and all other activities that you get a great sense of satisfaction from contributing to e.g. coaching local youth teams etc ???????
The objective is to spend as much time as possible on activities that fall into the top two tiers of the Productivity Pyramid…and learn to offload and minimize time spent on activities in the bottom two tiers. ????
What section are the main activities that you’re performing in your life and in your business falling into?