So what is your cats Agenda?
Monday, 20 AUGUST 2018
So what IS your cats agenda then? Do you really know your cat companion? What do you see when you look at your cat? Contentment? A spoilt fur ball? A manipulator? A living cuddly with fur? A free spirit? Cats come into this World with their own Agenda – which we often, as humans, do not understand. In our lifetime we may be lucky enough to be privy to what it is; if not, we will surely be part of it! I do believe that in most cases, our animals choose us. They may walk into our lives, and some will chose to just walk right out again – much to our sadness and confusion. What did we do? Was Puss unhappy? It is not really about us, it is about them. Their Agenda. We cannot put our emotions onto our cats. They have their own emotional level which is very different from ours. They will choose who they love, who they wish to Teach, who they will assist with Healing & Growth. Cats can also reflect back to us too, our own emotional crisis. They can often try & absorb our emotional stress; our illness, our dis-ease in some cases. They do this by free choice; their way of trying to help their people. Sometimes to their own detriment, but that is their choice – as Cat! Unlike dogs, our cats are not a pack animal, and are often seen by us as loners, not needing anyone, capable of making their own decisions perhaps? They are not that isolated in reality. Cats actually do want to be with us, they are not loners as such, they are just individual beings and we need to respect that. They want companionship, love; but more on their terms – for they are Cat! I have found that the cats that I have worked with in my Healing work can be here for our evolution & healing. Many are our Teachers, like my own beautiful boy, a very wise old Soul. Many are here to show us how to love, how to nurture, how to open our heart centres. Some cats are here to teach us patience, understanding. Some are here for their own growth and experience, something that we may have chosen to help them with before incarnating! They offer unconditional love, although some of their Guardians may dispute this. Their love is not quite like ours; they love in a cat’s way. For they are Cat are they not?
They can assist us with our growth and healing, they can also be here for their own experiences and lessons as well.
So perhaps we could allow our cats to be.....Cats? Perhaps we could respect cats as Cats? And not as little humans in fur?
Perhaps we could step back and allow our cats to have their own Agenda – and give them the love, & respect that all living creatures deserve. For after all, do they not carry the essence of God too?
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1 年Nice Jeanne!