So, what now?
Image from Pexels

So, what now?

On Monday evening, Boris Johnson laid out the Government’s lockdown roadmap in a 60+ page document which sets out in detail the steps to hopefully open up both the UK’s economy and society in general. Whilst we are all aware of the four steps and corresponding dates, the Health Secretary announced on Tuesday morning that these are not set-in stone and will only be achieved if we continue to behave responsibly as we have done during lockdown.

The 4 Steps that were announced were as follows:

Step 1

March 8 – All schools to return, after-school activities and sports to restart.

March 29 –An unlimited number of people from 2 households or up to 6 people can meet outdoors.

Step 2

April 12 – Non-essential retail, gyms, indoor swimming pools, personal care services, libraries and museums are allowed to re-open. Hospitality will be confined to outdoors only.

Step 3

May 17 – Gatherings of 30 will be allowed outside and two households or up to 6 people can mix indoors.

Hospitality restrictions ease, pubs & restaurants will be able to serve indoors. Cultural and sporting events will resume.

Step 4

June 21 - All restrictions eased.

On March 3rd, the Chancellor will be setting out the Budget, however despite all the information outlined above, businesses are still facing a huge amount of uncertainty. For instance, it is still unclear what will happen to the various measures that were put in place last year, including:

·        Business Rates

·        Furlough (due to end in April)

·        CBILS

·        VAT

There is also a question mark over any further measures that will be put in place to support businesses until the restrictions are eased completely.

Nevertheless, despite the uncertainty and unpredictability in these trying and testing times, as business owners and entrepreneurs, it is important to ensure that we continue to focus on what WE CAN CONTROL.

The Importance of Mindset

I received an email the other day from Nigel Botterill at The Entrepreneurs Circle which really resonated with me. This is what he said:

“I just wanted you to know that whatever Boris says today, it’s not as important to your future as what you say today.

Our job, as entrepreneurs and business owners, is to build success despite what the politicians in Westminster do.

Sometimes they’ll do things that will help us. Other times they’ll do things that will hinder us.

But continually, consistently, always, it’s what you are saying to you – the voice you allow to dominate in your head – that has the biggest influence by miles on where you end up.

Please don’t forget that this week.”

In other words, what Nigel is saying is: OUR MINDSET IS KEY.

As business owners that is one thing we can control.

Perhaps Winston Churchill said it best: “When you are going through hell, keep going”.


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