So what happens when we need a new start?
Rita Rocker
International Author., Speaker, Trainer with Host of Transformation Now! KPAO - YouTube
How do we actually get through the amazing transformation our Creator has for us, going from that caterpillar to becoming the soaring, eye-catching butterfly? You are definitely not alone in the unpleasant struggle. A metamorphosis is defined here in a couple of valid ways:
1) A striking change in appearance, character or circumstances…usually by supernatural means.
2) A change in the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one.” Wow!
Let’s do it! The transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly is quite amazing and hard to believe that it’s even possible! We envy the “butterflies” around us while wondering why we seem to be stuck in the cocoon, the confining chrysalis. However, change comes when we realize we have fought long and hard, strengthened our wings (mind and body) through the battle to finally gain the power to crack open the chrysalis. We work diligently to expend the energy necessary (for what should be, not more of what “is”), lose our old identity, friends, other relationships, negatives experiences and hit it! As a caterpillar is broken down into a fluid state containing all the components in its lining that are necessary to mold a soaring, majestic creature, it stays the course through the breaking down and then lets the rebuilding process begin. The result is a majestic creature…You! Was it easy? NO! But it is worth it! Stay on your course to continue building your magnificent new wings!
Change can be daunting and many will stay in the state they are accustomed to instead of yielding to the process of change. We want to soar but are afraid to get off the ground, so we hang on to the vine where it feels secure (although restricting) instead of pushing out and flying up where we belong. When we allow God, He will lovingly put all the pieces together so the newly created you can come forth. Let’s get started.
The thoughts we entertain, the words we speak, and the things we write have much to do with how we handle the daily environment we live in. Our belief system either helps us remove hindrances and prepare our wings for flight or keep us down and defeated. Our views and opinions of ourselves (self-perception) and of the immediate world around us create the way we experience reality. We devise in our minds, and then follow through with our actions, whether we become successful or live with continuous failures, whether we have uplifting or degrading relationships, whether we have a career we enjoy or mainly work to survive. Even in the most devastating of times, we can call forth peace, new friends, new opportunities, and the necessary support to make it to the other side. I have lived much of my life like this even when it seemed like the walls caved in on top of me. It is still something that is critical to overcome on an almost daily basis. But focusing on the fact that we are made in the image of our Creator changes our perception, gives us hope, renews our spirit and causes our demeanor to bring forth positive changes and people. This, in turn, will influence others to hire us for a new and better position, build community and foster healthy relationships. When we replace the words we think, write and speak, science has proven that we literally change how our brain works and the kind of outcome our thoughts, words and actions bring about. That, in turn, greatly impacts our lives--for the better. In the positive way we deserve. Shift!!
Think of your words as pieces of a puzzle, or the colors of paint you would use
in creating a beautiful picture, or of the type of decorative items you put into
your home. Are they colors and items that make you feel good (yes, it can greatly
affect how you feel), or are they black, white and gray, lifeless, filled with hurt
and disappointment? Even in illness or lack, we can say “NO, I am not dwelling
in this state. I am determined to design, in my heart and mind, what is good,
constructive and beneficial to the rest of my life!” Your Creator designed you
with His heart and His mind and His abilities. It doesn’t get any better or stronger than that!
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Anthony Robbins