So, what about E.F. Codd?
#CeasefireNOW #databases #ICT #Divan25Years Gaza Sky Geeks @Mercy Corps Alan El-Kadhi @Google
‘Edgar F. Codd was a British computer scientist who is credited with formulating the relational model for database management that became the basis for relational database management systems.
‘He added other important theories to computer science, but the relational model, a very important universal theory of data management, is considered his most important achievement. Between 1960 and 1980 he devised his theories of data arrangement, resulting in his paper, ‘A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks’, in 1970, one year after he published a paper inside IBM.’
Ever since I learned of the West Eastern Divan Orchestra – …I believed that Israeli-Palestinian-Arab-Iranian (yes, IRANIAN ! ) cooperation in all areas is NOW feasible. Not a pipedream, no, but now…that despite the present ‘never-ending’ conflict (more correctly struggle). However, I am not here to defend E.F. Codd nor West Eastern Divan. Still, I believe it’s pertinent to the matter.
Here is why I am supporting Gaza Sky Geeks as much as I can (OK, as well as other organisations – but especially Sky Geeks). So…what about Sky Geeks, E.F. Codd, and West Eastern Divan?! Shall we first ‘tackle’ E.F. Codd, maybe? Relational databases, E.F. Codd’s invention, are ‘a vital tool for managing digital activities and are the primary medium for maintaining, organizing, and evaluating an organization’s essential information, such as employee and client records, inventory, and payroll.’
And West Eastern Divan? Think of the potential of Israel, Palestine, their neighbours in the MENA—Middle East North Africa region (including Iran) have TOGETHER if there were peace, justice for all, and a good working relationship among these countries! Who would be against that? …A major, important, question which must be answered; and, no, I don’t think it is oh so easy to answer. Because there are a number of interests I see on ALL sides that are opposed vociferously to that concept.
So, here is why my support for Gaza Sky Geeks, for example, is so crucial. No, they don’t really need Ed Wolfe’s support so much. But, one, two, three…as many ‘Ed Wolfes’ as needed can and HAVE given the backing – even if it is merely moral and preferably open – to make this a reality. Dare I say, ‘If you will it, it is no dream’, a phrase from Theodor Herzl DAVKA!
Said to be ‘Palestine's leading tech-hub’, ‘Gaza Sky Geeks is an initiative born out of Mercy Corps’ desire to extend its work beyond traditional humanitarian programs, and Google’s interest in the Gazan tech community. What started as an initiative supporting Gazan entrepreneurship through Bootcamps in 2011 has transformed into a true powerhouse of tech and innovation. Now operating across Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, Gaza Sky Geeks provides freelancers, founders, and coders with the technical training and support they need to earn an income online.’
DESPITE THIS GENOCIDAL WAR AND BETRAYALS FOR PROFIT, GAZA SKY GEEKS ARE RESILIENT (a very common Palestinian trait) AND ACTIVE. In fact, at MENA ICT Forum 2024 –, 20-21 November, at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea, Jordan, Alan El-Kadhi, Director Gaza Sky Geeks, is expected to speak at the forum with the goal to promote Palestinian tech and secure connections with companies to support Palestinian talent in Gaza, Egypt, West Bank, East Jerusalem…wherever, I dare say, there is such talent.
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