So True

So True

So, very true, rings out the voices of, “It’s a different time, a much greater civilization, so much more advanced in every way.

So, the Truth remains the Truth, The Only Way, remains the Only Way, and the Life, remains the only Life.

He said, (God Said), "You will no longer need another to teach you!"

"Yet, there will be so many placed up by so many, to teach them."

Acknowledging that what is taking place has always been told about:

Told about before it happens, as it is happening, the way in which it will come about, during its going on, and what will happen thereafter once what happens takes place!

Jesus said, “See I have told you beforehand in order that you be not deceived!”

Also, God said, “I have placed My Word upon the hearts of all mankind and will write it upon the souls of all mankind!”

“Therefore, leaving individually no excuse for not one!”

The largest problem is that the appointed and the none appointed leaders of the so-called churches: (note to reader); God through His own anointed Word has always declared that You and that I would become the church, Jesus said we are the church, and Jesus spoke concerning the deceivers of the church.

So, the problem which was told about, now is upon the believer.

This should not be of a surprise to not one believer; “IN THE WORD OF GOD!” (Note to reader, meditate upon this for a minute).

Through what was brought about to cause sickness, pain, sorrow and even death. Comes forth also the ushering in of the continuation of attacks upon the real Church! (Note: You and I).

The problem remains, those who should have been equipping the believers; “IN THE WORD OF GOD.”

“Stopped, doing such many years back; following into the deceptions of the deceiver of man and enemy of God!

For worldly gain, power and self-pride! The very warnings from Jesus to the believers! Matthew 23-25

There is a cost after Salvation for even one who will cause even one of these little ones to fall.

There is a Way, Truth and Life, there is directions of leadership to lead young believers, (sheep)!

On every corner deception is located in this day and season; yet this did not just pop up during a pandemic nor because of one virus!

This has happened over many deceptions and many years of deception with mankind being about acceptance of following after the viruses and the deceptions rather than following God and His true Way, Truth, and Life!

To the proof of this lays within the now powerless churches on so many corners!

Yet these remain immovable in their own self-seeking ways! Calling out the same loud voice, as those who declare their own rights, rather than the Rulership and authority of living IN CHRIST JESUS; where God never changed in His Word how to work out each individual’s salvation daily!

Yet so many continue calling out their own rights and their own agenda’s, their own authority of riches in this life, and their own leadership Rulership rights!

Yet in shows and acts, though without the power of God in His Word because Gods Word is truly far from their hearts and they truly know of God, and Gods ways, but have forsaken and or know not God at all!

Proof is the power they themselves speak of, is far from them; their voices are as loud as those calling out their rights of evilness and pain and suffering of accepting their own ways over that of Gods will and Power of His own Godhead authority! Many having forgotten God at all and denying God even is.

These are the ones God is requiring to repent;

yet they repent not, they follow after their own rights upon a earth which God so declares they truly are no longer of!

Rather than entering into the courts of heaven, where true joy and happiness live; as well as being the very blocking of others from entering in!


Showing one’s willingness to be put into jail and have all of their worldly rights taken away; without God in these, surly, will be the biggest in vain deception of all history!

Yet Jesus said:

And He said, “take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, “I am He,” and the time has drawn near,” therefore do not go after them.

Luke 21 (Reader read)

So do not be a follower after any other, nor a lover of another, using all your life and efforts in following after a wind of deception!

Repent and turn back to your first love , for God; repent and become the change from the ways of the teaching of Mankind:

Return to the personal relationship with God, IN Christ Jesus!

God loves You and desires fellowship between you and Him!

Return to believing without doubting in the only One who already is the Word of God made flesh and sent in order that “YOU,” may have life and life more abundantly, right here and forevermore!

Repent and become the Church and gather together as the Body of Christ; stepping into the Spiritual Way, which Jesus died in order to reconciliation all/any who shall follow after Him and Him alone!

In and through His Holy Spirit, He told you and I He would send to live with us and even in us!



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