No such thing as Perfect
It's when the Moonlight hits you in silence. No more human time. It's again you and you, may be you and your favourite person, may be you and your book, may be you and the Moon or may be you and your tears. Also it’s the time many people waits for from the time when they leave home. It's the toughest time for Gen Z. Lets learn a three quick tip how to handle and overcome some situations
To begin positive I say I love writing and putting my thoughts into inanimate creatures. So today it's time for leisure and lets make time for ourself to feel proud for being a part of the life which was handed to you. Being in your life is not light. Going through what you felt isn't light. But you did it. We did it. We always do. Even nobody tells you today, say to yourself? I'm proud of myself.?
When you are at your don’t-know-what-to-do state you easily fall for fake scenarios . So when you are at this stage try to avoid making decision which may leads to feel regret in future. This stage is so complicated as a twisted coin. It always flips between happy to sad, smile to tears, gang to alone, vibe to silence. Like you feels like you had got everything and suddenly you feel exhaust, you feel like you took great decision suddenly you feel unsatisfied. You feel like enjoying but then you remember your problems, you motivate yourself but again you fall. These are the sign of don’t-know-what-to-do state.
I believe there is no such thing as Perfect. We can only improve ourselves from yesterday. To improve I have a abraka dabra magics. C'mon let me spill the beans.
Not every people is blessed with everything . Some people are living in luxury and some people are living by creating fundamentals. Some people born to god and some people are cursed to be with their parents.? Some people spend birthday on Burj Khalifa and Some people cries a lot in their birthday. Some people sleeps under air conditioner and some people spent whole night under bare sky with bare foot. The world seems cruel sometimes. The above mentions are categories where nothing is your fault. There are peoples who spend alone life even when they are hemmed in with lot of peoples. Few are dying to achieve goals but doing mental-masturbation. Lets get understand what is mental-masturbation. When you wanted to do something, you know how to do it, you know when to do it, you know where to do it, you share about that with your closest but still you don't do it. You don't have motivation to do it. If you hit this mental state you are doing umm.... yes. You. are. doing. it. During this situation ask yourself this question "Am I taking steps for what I wanted to be in future?" If your answer is No. Here you have a easy way to stop it.
If you are suffering from any mental thoughts. In your phase of healing it shouldn't be solely relay on healing but it must lets you know that life is not easy even if you heal yourself this time. I want you to realise that life gives you challenges to teach you life and our purpose of our birth is more than make our future safe. It's more than getting a job. It's more than impressing someone. It's more than having money in your pocket. Here are the things which you need to accept before things go wayward.
Now is not good as then. Sometimes it feels like a combination of missing, sadness, regret, fear and tears. Everyday goes on? by hoping someday everything changes. All my sadness changes into happiness. The child inside me died 3 years ago. Even after I hope to walk again, broke again now. life shows hell to some people in this heavenly Earth. But for all this situation is your Brain. Yes lets find out how. For this you need to know few things.