So, Self-Harming a Disorder or Not?
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
It now seams that "carrying-on regardless" of Work/Life stressors, effectively self-harming has got the attention of Government, so often accused of being a Nanny-State in the UK, full of red-tape occupational health regulations for employers blamed on EU ?
Well, looks like maybe a heads-up in this period post BREXIT, as no longer going to be able to blame EU for any Red-Tape going forward into the, so called, "Decade of Health", next health related nudge campaign as, government putting responsibility for obesity and diabetes, fitness to work etc on their own Human Resources.
Along with individuals "Occupational Health & Safety" as, clearly "carrying-on regardless" expediently ignoring stress related non-communicable diseases is going to be "contributory negligence"!
Presenteeism, now closely linked to fatigue and "repetitive stress injuries" due to over-exposure to stressors could end-up as another loss of personal civil liberties, not that our data is secure anyway, with the blame on us for not being fit4work as a "Strict Liability".
It seams the light at the end of the tunnel is going to be an express train coming our way as the HSE data driven "Predictive Risk" replaces the "Reasonably Foreseeable" Risk Assessment and "Reasonably Prevented or Mitigated" interventions meets with enforcement of "Prescribed Treatments" of hazards and risks..
Perhaps that is what was meant by a "Reset" post coronavirus?
Maybe time after all, to seriously consider to join the S.M.A.R.T. Foundation "Self-Preservation Society", replace doing nothing with something, anything but, nothing to reduce work/life self-harming?