"So they say and so they have said"

"So they say and so they have said"

An Essential Book of Good, by P'fessor Guus

An Essential Book of Good

So they say and so they have said... :)

Danielle Martin ~ True Boundaries Charitable Foundation

I post a lot of things, all good to know about and some not so fun to see. This book was written by an inspiring and positive individual that I believe is an angel is disguise. His creative nature and bright soul shine through this book with life lessons and positive advice for us all. Truly a good read for your youngsters and always something to be reminded of for yourself. "An Essential Book of Good" refreshed my mind and heart and reminded me of the power of just being Kind! Thank you P'fessor Guus for your warm perspective on GOOD

Kath Fogwell ~ School Teacher & Mum - Sydney Australia

Y &M An Essential Book of Good is truly an amazing read! Interwoven throughout is the essential message that we must live in love for our planet, love for each other and love for ourselves. This book provides a feel good haven for the reader and in a light-hearted and fun way inspires positive change. It is clearly ‘edu-tainment’ at its most glorious. I applaud P’Fessor Gus for having the courage to bare his soul through sharing his wisdom with us all.

@thekidsbookhunter ~ Each night after some picture books we finish with a novel. Our current nightly read is; An Essential Book of Good, By P’fessor Guus….“I feel like I need a highlighter reading this book”! “There are so many parts where I am thinking that is so true, what a great point, and that’s such lovely way of looking at life”! We’re halfway through and love the positivity it promotes!

Karen Marty Godfrey - Blessed Mom - USA

This Book!! What do you call an inspiring, heartwarming, creatively written, makes you want to smile, feel good kind of book? You call it, "An Essential Book of Good!" And, who do you call the talented, humble, kind, caring, and "opti-mystic" author? You call him P'fessor Guus and his soul shines so incredibly bright throughout this book.What an amazing, refreshing, and sweet book written by a passionate and gifted man. One passage that I particularly loved was "...to please remember not to be in too much of a hurry...when going north, use the southern route; when traveling west, try the eastern path...". There are so many simple but clever reminders to "just be" --(And it's okay to be a good person, too-- It's pretty cool, actually). We need more of these reminders in our lives, especially today, and this book reinforces what good is all about.Thank you, P'fessor Guus, for a remarkable, uplifting read. The 'Essential Book of Good' made me smile so much! I want to be like Yucckie. We all should be like Yucckie.

P'fessor Guus, You are Truly Amazing! Thank you!

Cindy Paragallo - Mum & Senior Partner Kitchen Co-op New York, Director - Black Entertainment TV New York, Fuse TV, MTV ~ What can I say about this book that has not already been said .Please read this book, you will get so much out of it! When I started this book I thought it was so cute but I never expected it to be more than just that. Sometimes wisdom comes to us in a form we do not expect, because we expect it to be complicated and the truth is it's not . Please read this book you will see exactly what I mean. Life is good. Thank you P'fessor Guus!

Mike Stanley-Jones ~ Avalon - Surf Life Saving Club ~ Australia

Father & Family man ~ Junior Captain ~ Nippers Age Manager ~ Bronze Medallion Trainer ~ Surfer - While Training P'fessor Guus for his Bronze Medallion at the Avalon Surf Life Saving Club in Sydney Australia, I was handed a copy of P'fessor Guus's, "An Essential Book of Good". At first, I wasn't really sure what to think of it. I read it, my kids read it, and as a family we talked about it..…“An Essential Book of Good” By P’fessor Guus is absolutely amazing! Thank you P’fessor Guus – Well done!

David Pitschi ~ Global Brand Manager at Solomon / Professional Snowboarder

I read "An Essential Book of Good" By P'fessor Guus, and it is very inspiring! This book talked directly to the topics that are key to me, and in a way that I could really relate. I Think this book should be in the hands of everyone that wishes to live a fuller life with a deeper meaning. Thank you P'fessor Guus!

Victoria Callaghan - Mum & Marathon runner ~ This is such a wonderful book for everyone - kids and adults alike! For kids, it really teaches (without preaching) life-long lessons that inspire kids to be more loving and giving along with becoming more environmentally conscious to help make this world a better place for everyone. They'll also really love being able to communicate their own creative ideas with the main characters through the website. It is truly amazing, and we're looking forward to the next book, P'fessor Gus!!

Justin Robinson ~ Director of Mktg ~ Foxtel ~ global explorer, surfer, fireman, father, climber, skier ~ P'fessor Guus', 'An Essential Book of Good' is a handbook for life, for all ages. There's something in there for everyone, young or old, no matter where you are on the amazing journey that life is. You'll be captivated by the adventures of Yucckie and Mahzie, learn some important life lessons from these two characters, and be inspired to achieve great things and make a positive difference in whatever it is that you do on this planet. P'fessor Guus, you are truly amazing, thank you!

Prue Jeffries ~ www.surfingtheflow.com, International Athlete, Professional Surfer, Healer ~ “An Essential Book of Good” has me grinning!! ~ I've been giggling since I picked it up!! Thank you P'fessor Guus!!

Lisa (Kitchener) Hanley ~ Author, Mum, Surfer, Chef & Fellow Good Human

If you did or didn’t grow up with your head buried in a Harry Potter fantasy world because you were (or are) too busy out in the sunshine riding every wave, skating every set of school steps or working your awesome butt off every spare minute delivering newspapers, just to be able to tag along to the snow with a school buddie to bust out a few’ Mctwists’, this book is for you! Yes big old AWSOME you!!!!!

P’FESSOR GUS shows genius (with a touch of madness) when we get to live the world through the eyes of “Yucckie” and “Mahzie”. Two incredibly cool, very awesome, environmentally (and self) loving, groovy dudes! There are many characteristics of these two in all of us and what we don’t possess, wish we did. But that’s what this book and the adventures in it help us to obtain. It unlocks the door to your awesomeness and makes you see all the amazing things about yourself. Everyone needs a friend like these two and everyone needs to find their Amazing selves. This book will make you wonder why you ever hated, why you ever got angry, why you ever lost your smile or your temper and most importantly it just makes you feel GOOD!!!! “An Essential Book Of Good” should be made mandatory reading in all schools today. If it was, the world wouldn’t just be a much better place, but well…. It would be “Hotter than hot sauce” (HTHS) :) .

Shea Perkins ~ Reef Surf Team & Events Manager / Philosopher / Global Explorer ~  "An essential book of good" is beautifully written. An inclusive flowing dialog of two fictional characters travelling through a non-fictional “World of no boundaries." It is a read for all walks of life. It shows a common appreciation for life's simple gifts including yourself. "You are truly amazing" ~ as far as I'm concerned. Professor Gus is a modern day Dr. Seuss.

Henry Lloyd McCurtis M.D. Harlem Hospital, Columbia University ~ It is a delightful read! I am taken by the character's love of the simple things of life and their genius. It seems one flows from the other. I continue to find the pearls of wisdom and light in their travels, that seem to be both inner and geographically inspired.

Nick Carroll - Leading Australian and international Surf Writer, Author, Film maker & Surfer ~ “AN ESSENTIAL BOOK OF GOOD” - It feels to me like this warm-hearted and playful little book is somehow a response to the potentially nasty social media world that kids have to deal with in 2016. It’s a fragmented little tale of a couple of kids, Yucckie & Mahzie, and their vaguely wise yet goofy “P’fessor Guus”. If the good P’fessor is a P’fessor of anything, it’s life in general, perhaps with a Ph.D in Optimism, and he carries his young charges through a world in which the lessons are simple and straightforward: good brings more good and bad isn’t worth your energies. It’s a great message and easily absorbed! Thank you P'fessor Guus.

Barbara (Bowles) Larsen RN ~Global Entrepreneur & Grandma ~ Internet Marketer ~ Director of Nursing and Hospital Administrator~ Gate Judge for the Olympics in Calgary. I loved your book and a 13 year old I gave it to wrote this "The book was pretty OK!! It was nice and it had dolphins & surfing. It's good for someone who likes a lot of good vibes & happiness, dolphins, surfing and math." Thank you P’fessor Guus!

Benjamin Liu - Lifetime Honorary Director of WFSGI (World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry) SAMPE Taiwan Chapter, WFSGI (World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry), Poyang International Co., Ltd. ~ "An Essential Book of Good" by, P'fessor Guus - Now I understand what is your meaning of ~ !!!! :) ~ (on page 33). It is equal to infinite joy, which I like very much. This story about two amazing friends Yucckie and Mahzie is truly AMAZING. I totally agree with you ~ " To Help all people feel good about themselves, as it is all of our job and our life-long responsibility. Thank you, P’fessor Guus

Be?n Murphy? ~ Father of 2 children, a husband to an amazing wife, with also many great friends!!! ~ An Essential Book of Good is...“An amazing journey of positive thoughts and happy places. This book is a must read for all ages to escape the negativity which embattles our conscious space on a daily basis. If there were more books of this nature the world would be better a better place to live”.

Miriam Hannah Deller ~ Boardzone, China ~An Essential Book of Good, by P'fessor Guus is a genuinely good read, inspirational and positive. Some of the wisdom shared comes along in a fresh way, suitable for kids, but in reality it is age old, pure and honest knowledge. Congratulations to P’fessor Guus for putting together AN ESSENTIAL BOOK OF GOOD with such warmth, humor and energy.

Mandy Herring ~ Mum to 3 boys ~ Promotions & Marketing at St Paul’s Catholic College, Manly NSW, Australia ~ ‘An Essential Book of Good’ is a brilliant book that teaches both kids and adults how to make the right decisions, which in turn will make the world a better place. My two older boys loved reading it and the youngest enjoyed me reading it to him. I’ve even given a copy to the school library so that the adventures of Yucckie & Mahzie can travel further. Thank you P'fessor Guus – You are truly amazing!!

Steve Fontes ~ RVCA Australia ~ Designer ~ Father ~ P'fessor Guus has been inspiring me since I met him many years ago. What most people talk about, he has done. He does so much more than just writing, but do yourself a favor and grab this book to inspire your kids - P'fessor Guus, we're so stoked to call you our friend!

Guillaume Morisset ~ Professional Athlete / Snowboarder / Olympian / US Open Champion / X-games competitor / Head judge & Coach - An Essential Book of Good: “ it is fun to read for a board rider like me because I can relate to the story. It is loaded of sense-full original thinking. This book brought back to me my original vocation of being a creative inventor, and flowing with life like a fish in water! Authentic living! YATA! Thank you P'fessor Guus!

Jeff Potto ~ Professional Action Sports Photographer & Father ~ "An Essential Book of Good" By P'fessor Guus ~ I just finished this wonderful book! Thank you so much P'fessor Guus! It is truly inspirational, thought provoking and positively positive. You left me smiling ear to ear! It is a book that I will most assuredly read again.

Pat Cochran ~ President ~ ACC+MedLogistics, Editorial Director ~ ASR & Youth Market XChange ~ Miller Freeman (United News & Media) ~ Managing Editor ~ Healthcare / Miller Freeman ~ Managing Editor ~Action Sports Group (Powder Magazine) ~ My daughter who is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in San Diego & her husband and kids- (8 & 10) were here for a birthday celebration. I let one of the kids read a few pages of “An Essential Book of Good “ By P’fessor Guus and - wham! - off he went. He's a great and eager reader - he really got into it. His exact quote was, “I really like all the descriptions” it seems that they are very important to him. He especially liked the headquarters / tree house part (evidently it made a big impression on him). Anyway, my daughter asked if she could take “An Essential Book of Good” back to San Diego with them so he could finish it. My Daughter then called me on Tuesday to say how much she loved the book and thought that she might want to use it in therapy with some of her clients. Thank you !! P’fessor Guus !!  

Tamara Sloper Harding ~ Chairperson at Pittwater Friends of Soibada Timor Leste ~ Just before the storm hit (Sydney) I finished reading this fantastic book. "An Essential Book of Good" From a great storm, may come great wisdom (The Adventures of Y&M) (Volume 1) It took longer than usual because the kids kept pinching it to take a look. It is a really cool story about two characters Yucckie & Mahzie who are doing their utmost to make the world a better place. It is a really fun read yet full of lessons for both kids and adults. Given our community's recent weather issues it is appropriate right now - "From a great storm, may come great wisdom" - it is remarkable the way we are helping each other out and valuing what is most important in life. It is a shame it took the storm to bring us all together but it is wonderful to see the local heroes emerge as a result!

Claire Bevilacqua - Professional Surfer / Raw Foods Expert / Global Athlete ~ "Great read to help influence your children into positive and healthy directions. Fun and clever!! Everything a good book should be."

Blair Giesen - Digital Media Expert – USA~ "This is a great read for everyone that likes the better side of life and enjoys it to the fullest. The lifestyle that the author has lived is why he can tell these stories so well. Long live P'Fessor Guus."

Evan Harrison & Family ~ EVP ~ Univision Radio, Huka Entertainment, AOL radio, Clear Channel ~ “We talked about “An Essential Book of Good” as a family one day, and i told my family all about you, how we met, and how some friends just shine so much light and positivity, they make a difference in the world. They simply make a difference by the good vibes and friendship they pass on, one person at a time – P’fessor Guus you are that guy. Thank you for “An Essential Book of Good” !! it is Truly Amazing !!

Debbie Spohr ~ Business Owner, Mum, Entrepreneur ~ Packed with wholesome good old fashioned values "The Essential Book Of Good" is a "must read" for all ages & a "must have" for every home, school & library. P'Fessor Guus is an amazing & a superstar!

John Watkins ~ Professional Lifestyle Photographer ~ Surfer ~ Mentor ~ Adventurer ~ Having grown up as a good friend and in the same neighborhood as P'Fessor Guus, I can only say that God has put to use Guus's wonderful imagination and caring, good nature in ways that can absolutely benefit each and every one of us in certain ways. Through the extraordinary experiences of Yucckie and Mahzie - we see a common thread of creative knowledge and love for the ocean and Mother earth and a celebration for our gift of life. P'fessor Guus is the real deal who speaks from the heart of a Man with lessons learned and the Mad appreciation for the Truly Amazing character of mankind.

Jeff Davis - Professional Photographer ~ Ocean & Landscape Specialist ~ Father & Family man ~ “Having spent several of my early adult years around P’fessor Guus, it was no surprise to find him authoring a book as amazing as he has with “An Essential Book of Good”. From my first time meeting P’fessor Guus, I knew that he was different. He is Kind, loving, not only of each and everyone around him but for the environment and world surrounding him. An Essential Book of Good is well written from his heart, his experiences & his wisdom. The messages are ones that both young and old can benefit from. Bravo to P’fessor Guus for sharing his wisdom, his experiences in such a way that we can all learn from, and not only better ourselves but also assist all of those we come in contact with.”

You are Truly Amazing !! Thank you !!!! :) ~



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