So me then...
Gemma Went
Online Business Mentor + Coach. Scaling Online Business Owners. Certifying Online Business Consultants. Multi-Award Winning. Helped over 2000 clients create a sustainable, scalable business
So me then ….
I’m not consistent. I can’t be, I’m not wired that way and I’m happy with that. My adhd gives me far more powerful skills than consistency and I’ve made my peace with it. Ironically I can teach consistency tho.
I don’t do money marketing and balloon reveals. They don’t turn me on and never have. I will talk about revenue and profit when it’s in context - because I’m a business mentor - but other than that, nah. There are other coaches that do this brilliantly and good luck to them. I’m more turned on by values, feelings, dreams, desires … and so are my people.
I stepped out of the online revenue race years ago and the moment I did, I found a level of happiness and contentment I’d never had. I help others to do the same … because the moment you realise your value, worth and success has nothing to do with this, is the moment you truly unlock the next level.
I don’t do gurus and you’ll never find me on pedestal. I still find it incredibly uncomfortable when people say they’ve been following me for ages or they’re a fan. My place is standing shoulder to shoulder with my clients as their equal … they know more about their speciality than me, I know more about scaling an online busines than them. To be honest, I learn just as much from them as they do from me.
I’m an innovator. If there’s a gap, I’ll spot it. If there’s a better way, I’ll find it. Although I’m a massive advocate of trademarking and patents I also secretly love seeing others copy my ideas and phrases … they’re like my gift to the industry and quite frankly, there’s always more where they came from.
I’m a shit friend. I never call, I don’t always respond - in fact I’m an unintentional ghoster (if I don’t respond immediately I’ll likely forget). Adhd object permanence extends to people and if you’re not in front of me, I can forget you exist - this also includes my family. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you hard tho. If you need me, Im there, Im all in, in fact Im awesome in an emergency.
I love hard. Too hard sometimes. Every single client has a piece of my heart and I will always go all out for them. I will never, ever stop being amazed and honoured when people trust me enough with their dreams to invest in my help. I take each investment seriously, I always will.
I do many things behind the scenes to help people out and you will never, ever know about them. Those secret scholarships, funding, donations, investments loose their magic the minute people use them as a marketing strategy. I will never do that.
I don’t follow rules and never have. There’s something magical in breaking them … it unlocks something for me. I’ve been that way since a child … it got me into all sorts of scrapes and threats to be thrown out of home. school, jobs, places .… I don’t regret a single one. In fact the threat to leave home saw a defiant me pack my bag and leave at 17 … I never looked back.
I’ve worked hard on deeply healing from childhood sexual abuse, horrific bullying at school, being stalked by an ex, being hours away from having my leg amputated after a scooter accident and having five operations in 18 months to create a leg that works (I really must tell the whole story of that here one day) and many betrayals from those I loved and trusted … healing is a gift, we can all do it. I believe on the other side of that are so many gifts and I value mine hugely. I also wouldn’t change any of it … it made me who I am today, I love who I am today and I will continue to keep healing on every level, because I believe we’re never done, there are always more layers.
I live in my dream house, but it’s in need of renovating and always messy. I book 5 star and fly business class, but love breaks in our caravan. I buy whatever I like, but love a bargain. I love and need healthy food, but I love a Macdonalds. I’m a mass of contradictions, but I’m me and will never pretend to be anything but.
I have a crazy skill that means I can just see systems. In fact I can see a whole business and how each part of it seamlessly interacts with all other parts of the business. A client once said I’m like a conductor, making each part of the business sing together to make beautiful music. I’ll take that.
I have crippling anxiety that has meant I’ve had to cancel last minute on so many things through my life. I regret each and every one.
I’ve recovered from an unhealthy over reliance on alcohol, drugs and sex and deeply understand how hard that is. This comes with some crazy stories … one day I might write a book of them. Maybe.
I’m a bit witchy (in fact in a past life I was horrifically killed for being a witch). I channel. I can connect with peoples energies. I see things before they happen. I manifest like crazy. I don’t talk about this much … but I love and appreciate these gifts so much.
I struggle daily with a nasty health condition, peri-menopause and adhd (which has been exasperated by peri-menopause). I’ve designed a business that supports that and teach others to do the same. I’m anti-hustle, anti-burnout and pro simple, soul aligned, sustainable businesses.
I believe we need to show all of us for people to truly connect … behind the facade, behind the masks, behind the branding and I’m committing to sharing more of that. Because I think this industry has gone too far the other way with luxe brands and out of reach perfection that’s just not real.
I’m here for the real, raw, messy truth and this post, my darlings, is my commitment to that.
HR Consultant for Evolutionhr, HR specialists to the Architecture industry
2 年That was a really lovely read. You have a real talent for writing and I love your honesty. I truly believe that showing up as ourselves and not trying to put on an outward persona of perfection is the key to happiness.