So long, and thank you, 2023.
As the year draws to a close, it's an opportune moment to pause, look back, and reflect on our journey. These past twelve months have been a mosaic of moments, triumphs, setbacks, and countless experiences that have profoundly and subtly shaped our lives.
As we bid farewell to this chapter and embrace the horizon of a new year, let's take stock of our accomplishments, acknowledge our challenges, and celebrate our collective journey.
For those with me from the start of 2023, thanks for following the meandering themes of my year.
From staying focused and doing ONE THING deep, to making work less shit and more amazing, managing our sense of overwhelm at work, and doing what matters, we have ended up here, thinking about the values that underpin how we show up each day and help us achieve a healthier relationship with our work and the people we interact with.
As I sit down each Saturday morning, I look forward to sharing some thoughts and writing on a topic prompted by my conversations with clients and colleagues and my reading, listening and research. It helps me to clarify my thinking, engage in dialogue, prompt reflection and possibly even support some small change.
Thanks to those who sent me their reflections and shared resources prompted by these weekly thoughts. I love to hear what you think.
But now, having produced around 50 issues for the year, 250 LinkedIn Posts, facilitated numerous leadership roundtables and online sessions, and a new book in draft, it's time to put my pen down and take a break.
So, in celebrating the approach of the year's end, let's embrace gratitude for the journey—the experiences that shaped us, the people who stood by us, and the strength that emerged from adversity.
Thanks for sharing your journey with me this year.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”― Eleanor Roosevelt
I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the company of loved ones and take time to relax. This is critically important - not because we need to recharge for the work year ahead, but because we are human, and rest is part of our biology and our right.
I look forward to reconnecting in the New Year.
Until next time,
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