So long 2016! it's been intense ... for me, V-Nova and TV tech
What a year it’s been for me and all of us at V-Nova…
After launching to great fanfare in April 2015 – the 1st remember! – expectations internally and externally were pretty high.
In 2016, we demonstrated and independently validated the capability of our codec PERSEUS in a variety of applications, such as the contribution of 4K/UHD and HDR video and the delivery of premium OTT services under all conditions, including congested environments and timeslots typical of live sporting event broadcast. We even found the time to prove that our technology is 8K-ready.
We won Best Of Show again at NAB 2016 and IBC 2016. It makes 4 in a row, which is absolutely amazing. Humbling was also being nominated Global Media Innovator by the Diplomatic Council.
Most importantly of all, however, we deployed full end-to-end solutions that are already enabling customers around the globe to enjoy PERSEUS-powered services.
Eutelsat – who this year also invested in V-Nova – deployed our PERSEUS technology to provide the 4K/UHD feeds from UEFA’s Euro 2016 to Italy’s RAI for broadcasting on the Tivu’ Sat platform.
Sky in Italy deployed PERSEUS compression for their ‘IPTV’ platform in the first DTH and STB deployment, lowering bandwidth requirements for their HD service from 8 Mbps to 4 Mbps and proving that an existing deployed base of set-top boxes can indeed be upgraded with PERSEUS.
India’s FastFilmz tapped V-Nova’s PERSEUS to deliver OTT to 2G phones in Southern India, an area of the movie-mad country where up to 170M people have video capable phones but unreliable mobile connectivity. By deploying PERSEUS FastFilmz is now providing a service that is competitive even against piracy and is already bundled in the offer of major telcos.
Undeniably, it has been a busy, though enjoyable, year. The world of premium entertainment delivery is changing faster than ever. Let's take a two-day breather to enjoy the New Year festivities and get ready to push even harder in 2017 to enable this great transformation.
Personally, I would like to thank you all who directly or indirectly supported me and V-Nova this year. You know who you are … and I’m thankful!
Happy and prosperous 2017!