So I'm driving with my 18-year-old daughter...
Dear reader,
Full disclosure:
What you’re about to read isn’t fresh out of the oven.
This one’s been sitting on the windowsill for a while. Not only is it lifted straight from the archives, but it’s teaching the exact same lesson I covered just a few days ago - only with a different wrapper.
And right there, my friend, is a lesson within a lesson.
Can you take the same idea, slap a new coat of paint on it, and make it feel like it's new?
Because if you can, you’ll never run out of content.
The ability to take old ideas and make them seem fresh is the hallmark of a great content creator.
It’s like politics - same old scandal, just a new politician sweating through a press conference.
The trick isn’t having infinite ideas - it’s making the same ones feel like they just walked in the door.
Let’s get to the archived message.
Dear subscriber,
True story:
So I'm driving with my 18-year-old daughter in her snazzy red Suzuki Swift (a great little car by the way), and as we approach our street, bam, there's a bird right in our path.
Now, being the efficient driver I am, I don't unnecessarily slam on the brakes (got to preserve those pads), no sudden swerves, no decrease in speed. Nope. I just plow straight ahead.
My logic?
I figure that bird will pull a Houdini once it realizes it's about to become roadkill.
But then I hear this:
"Dad! You're about to hit that bird! Stop!!"
And what's my honest reaction to my daughter's heartfelt plea to spare the feathery fellow?
"Aww, my daughter cares about that bird."?
It warmed my heart a little.
But that warmth didn't last very long because the next words out of her mouth were this:
"I don't want dead bird all over my car! I've just washed it!"
My daughter's a sweet girl and all, it just doesn't extend to little feathery creatures.
I guess I'm to blame for that.
Her father (that's me, numbnuts) subscribes to the Jeremy Clarkson school of thought:
"I don't often agree with the RSPCA as I believe it is an animal's duty to be on my plate at supper time.” ~ Jeremy Clarkson
Look, it's nice that animal activists devote their lives to saving the Spotted Owl, but I suspect these folks haven't been kept up all night because of some hooting-happy owl.
And yes, I'm all for looking after animals and saving the ones we can. Where these overzealous animal activists lose me is when their love of animals outshines their love of their own species.
I'm sure some of these hardcore activists if handed the choice between saving a 6-year-old child or a cute little pussy cat, would have a tough time choosing which one to spare.
This is just my opinion, but I think we should make looking after our own species the number one priority.
The animal kingdom understands that concept. They look after their own. You think the lion gives a damn about your welfare? If you wander into their neighborhood, you're dinner!
I guess what I'm saying here is this:
I'm a Human Activist!
That's right, I love my own species. Sure, we Homo sapiens are a complicated and difficult bunch, but dammit, we are God's best work - his magnum opus.
You may think I'm just rambling on here, but there's an almost divine sales tip to be had.
I'll get straight to it.
If thou want to becometh a better salesperson, then you should develop a little talked-about quality that will make your sales messages far more persuasive and profitable.
And what is this little talked-about quality?
I've already told you. But I'm a patient man, so I'll lay it out for you in chapter and verse:
Deepen Your Love for? Humanity!
That's it.
Love people.
Genuinely be kind and loving towards your fellow humans.
It will come across in all your interactions, and yes, your prospects will pick up on it... or lack thereof.
Listen, wanna know what made Larry King one of the world's best interviewers?
I believe it was this: King had a genuine curiosity about his interviewee.?
Keyword: genuine.?
It was not an act.?
Nor did King rely on techniques or tactics. Any skills he picked up along the way were born from his unquenchable curiosity.
King approached interviews with a real thirst to know. Whether it was a New York plumber or an A-list Hollywood actor, Larry King was equally intrigued.
His interviewees felt it. They knew King was sincerely interested in them and their story.
And it's no different in sales. A prospect knows if you truly care about their best interests or if you are just there to make a buck.
Your love of humanity should be the foundation upon which your sales skills are built.
Speaking of sales skills, if you want to sharpen them to a gleaming edge this March, then don't be a schmuck (I say that lovingly) and ignore this sales pitch.
In the words of Jerry Maguire, "Help me, help you!"
I want to help YOU make more sales, and the March issue (and audios) will help you do just that.
It's up to you.
For those interested, vamoose here:
?Your friend,