So I get people saying to me a lot ...

So I get people saying to me a lot ...

So I get people saying to me a lot ...

I want to lose weight BUT........

** I don't like shake 'diets'
** I will just put the weight back on afterwards
** I am always hungry
** I don't like fruit & veg
** I can't afford it

Well let me answer these for you ...the pic below is my lunch, so with regard to 'shake diets' this is no normal other brand shake, this is a powder that really does taste delicious, that I mix with whatever healthy smoothie I make! A year ago I would have never even attempted to put anything in a shake other than milk and strawberries however now I will add literally anything I want ...spinach ...I mean seriously a year ago I wouldn't even eat spinach !!!! Now I cant get enough of the stuff !

With the help and support of fabulous people around me I have now started to understand food and no longer live to eat ... I eat to live. We all need to understand food better and use it better to make our bodies into healthy machines that doe not struggle with energy issues and health problems. Do your research and find out what foods can help you, example... I know beetroot is great for high blood pressure what do I put in my shakes and on salads ...beetroot !! Google is an amazing tool ! So 90 day challenge will prepare you and train you to stick to the right foods after, it creates great habits ...and yes you can still have the foods you love, just in moderation!

I have never felt hungry on Vi at all...

You probably only don't like fruit and veg because your body craves crap! When you stop eating said crap and your taste buds start to work properly it is amazing what foods you find yourself eating. I have thousands of recipe ideas to help.

The big one ...I cant afford it .... If I am honest I don't even listen to this excuse anymore.... a shake costs around £1.35 go and write down your entire spend for a week...and I mean every single thing you spend your money on. So bars of chocolate, crisps, takeaways, fish and chips, Costa coffee, cigs, alcohol, pre-packed foods, cakes, biscuits.... do you have a sweet drawer or cupboard? You will amazed where you can save money in your budget. I used to spend around £160 a week for 3 of us on our shop but also on all the crap I used to buy ! Disgraceful to be fair ... I now spend around £70.00 every 7-9 days I use up every last bit of food, no waste, I don't buy pre-packed crap anymore again I make better decisions and buy natural food and cook more ! It doesn't take anymore time either so don't give me that excuse (I have already used them lol !) Also you can get Vi FREE ... yes you read that right ...FREE Breakfast and Lunch month in month our as I do there really are no excuses.

TO GET FAT COSTS MONEY !! IT IS THAT SIMPLE, and also think about the role model you are for your kids .... our country is a mess with obese people already ...what will it be like in 10/15 years time if we don't start teaching ourselves and our kids now......................

Now if you would like to lose 10lb or more in weight speak to me and let me help you to help yourself. Let's look at what you eat now and what you spend together and see if we can make better choices.

I look forward to hearing from you !!

[email protected]


