So, how did we get here?

So, how did we get here?

“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

I read lots of forward-looking material on LinkedIn, but less looking at how we arrived at this point in time. It's hard, and it never gets any easier...

So, let's look at Airbnb - You might have heard of them. Their business model was a slam dunk - right? You could have done it... Wrong! Look at what Sam Altman's says about starting up. It's damn hard... It always is.

2008 - Airbnb is founded - the concept of booking a stranger's home online is weird and feels risky. ?The co-founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia struggled for years to gain traction. ?In the early days, they went door-to-door in New York signing up users.? They even rent out their own apartment to make ends meet.

2011 - Airbnb is hemorrhaging money, with only 200,000 total bookings. ?Investors doubt whether people would ever feel comfortable renting rooms in private homes. The founders persevere, building trust in the brand by emphasizing user reviews, profile verifications, and round-the-clock customer support.

Gradually, Airbnb gains traction - focusing on unique accommodations travelers couldn't find elsewhere. Bookings outside major hotel chains surged, especially in Europe. Airbnb's inventory of unique rentals allowed it to expand globally much faster than traditional hotels.?

2015 - Airbnb has over 1 million listings worldwide, and a decade after its founding it offers over 7 million+ options. ?The massive supply of rooms gives Airbnb tremendous scale and selection compared to its rivals.

2015+ Airbnb is hosting over 100 million guests per year, disrupting the entire hospitality sector. ?Travelers appreciate the lower costs, homey amenities, and local authenticity of Airbnb compared to cookie-cutter hotel chains. Landlords and homeowners benefit by earning extra income from renting out spare rooms or properties.

While it faced regulatory hurdles and opposition from the hotel industry, Airbnb succeeded by persevering through early challenges and building a trusted brand obsessed with customer service. It created a two-sided marketplace connecting travelers and hosts, offering each group something they couldn’t get from the traditional lodging industry. By staying relentlessly focused on this core value proposition, Airbnb transformed short-term rentals and became a global phenomenon.

Fascinating John. Good lessons here on perseverance and believe in the face of rejection and major challenges



