My Vespa 2018 Calendar thing.
"So here's a thing" is a phrase I've heard banded around lots over 2017. And more often than not it has lead to a conversation which, in the end, was indeed not a 'thing'. It still sounds pretty cool though; like it's the launching of a large ocean-going vessel, or something equally magnificent. It certainly makes an interesting opener for this note to show off my new Calendar piece. I'd be curious to know in fact that if 'word' were law, then the person announcing 'so here's a thing' would think again about committing to such an announcement, for fear of the King's wrath.
So here's my 'thing' for January; to treat every word I utter as if it were law. To think about just how much I should say (for sure I would be far more conservative with my speaking). I will be more thoughtful. And for sure, I will be a better listener; giving more space to those I'm with; space to hear each and every word more carefully.
So here's to listening. To making space for better. Here's to trusting good things will come. Bring it on 2018!