So here's another 2m reasons why I'm jumping
Julie Alexander-Bingham
Culture, business psychology, organisational behaviour & development | business performance & people change specialist | MC & speaker, facilitator & trainer | Leadership & exec coach
The reality is that around 2 million* children will be sold into the sex trade next year and have their rights forfeited, often by those closest to them.
So all funds I raise by taking part in Toss the Boss (a campaign created by PROJECT FUTURES which means I'll be throwing myself out of a plane at 14,000 feet) will go towards restoring and transforming the lives of those affected by, or at risk of, human trafficking.
My target is $1500, so please donate whatever you can, today.
This video shows you some of the reality of what happens and what one team is doing to solve it; sadly human trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world.
You can donate to the event here and for those interested, here are the event details: Saturday 12 November 2016, Wollongong, NSW
#leadership #genderequality #endhumantrafficking #disruptiveleadership
Author: Julie Alexander,
Julie is the founder of a global consultancy partnering with successful business leaders to produce breakthroughs in critical areas of their business. By creating shifts in thinking and behaviour fundamental to success, unleashing disruptive leadership and empowering people to create dramatic shifts in performance, her Culture Incorporated program transforms company cultures so that team members thrive, solid bottom line results are attained and sustainable competitive advantage is achieved.
The Private Coach program also transforms people, building their resilience, and gets them out of their own way.
Julie is a culture and business performance specialist, a writer of blogs, a facilitator, speaker, trainer, coach and mentor. You can get to know her on Facebook and Twitter.
*Global Slavery Index