?? So Here is the Short Story ??

?? So Here is the Short Story ??

Ask anyone if they’d like a short story or a long story. Ten out of ten times, people will choose the short story.

We must learn how to give a short story that sums up our offers. The details can be given in a two-minute story.

We can qualify people with a short story. We can weed out the wheat from the chaff.  We only want to talk to people who want what we offer.

Giving a short story will give them enough information to make a “yes” decision. Once they say “yes” to the short story, the details are easier to explain in a two-minute story.

Summing up what we offer with a short story will close them. People don’t make “yes” decisions after the presentation. People make “yes” decisions before the presentation. Giving a short story will affirm people’s decisions.

Do we have short story formula? Yes!

“So, here is the short story.” “Instead of <a problem>, you could work with us helping people <a group benefit> + <a personal benefit> Well, what do you think?”

So, here is the short story” is a magic phrase. It makes people stop what they’re doing and listen. Inside most people lies an internal program that likes stories. When we say it is a short story, people pay close attention.

“Instead of <a problem>” is a problem relative to the person’s situation. A waiter’s problem is working for tips and on weekends. A dieter’s problem is starving to death and exercise.

“You could work with us helping people <a group benefit>” is a benefit our products, services and opportunity help to solve a group people’s problems. It’s what our stuff does for people. If you’re business sells coffee and tea, the group benefit is to get people healthy and fit drinking coffee and tea. If you’re business is skin care, the group benefit is to help people feel confident and look good in their skin.

“<A personal benefit>” is a benefit that our products, services and opportunity offer to help solve a problem of the person who is listening. If a person works for tips and on weekends, a personal benefit for solving the problem is to set their own hours and increase their pay. If a person is tired of diets that don’t work, a personal benefit for solving the problem is to lose weight once and keep it off forever.

Well, what do you think?” is the million-dollar close. People will respond to the question and tell you what they think.

Want some examples? We’ll give one for the opportunity and one for the product or service.

(1). Travel.

--- Opportunity: “So here is the short story. Instead of working excessive overtime, you could start with us helping people travel first-class at discount rates and throw your alarm clock away and set your own hours. Well, what do you think?”

--- Service: “So here is the short story. Instead of paying high prices for cheap holiday, you could take first-class holidays at one-star hotel rates and have more money to spend on your family. Well, what do you think?”

(2). Nutrition.

--- Opportunity: “So here is the short story. Instead of worry about your bills, you could start with us helping people go home early and have fun with the family and make your bills smaller and bank account bigger. Well, what do you think?”

--- Product: “So here is the short story. Instead of eating a breakfast of processed foods, you could prepare one our nutritious breakfasts in thirty seconds and feel like a million dollars the rest of the day. Well, what do you think?”

(3). Utilities.

--- Opportunity: “So here is the short story. Instead of piling up credit card debt, you could start with us helping people keep their same electricity but at discount rates and have someone else pay your credit card bills. Well, what do you think?”

--- Service: “So here is the short story. Instead of paying high prices to your electric company, you could keep the same electricity and pay lower prices and throw yourself a party with the money you’ll save. Well, what do you think?”

So, instead of giving a long-winded presentation, give them the short story.

If you are serious about growing your business using the power of LinkedIn to generate super high-quality leads, make a ton of sales and enroll new team member, I highly recommend the book "LinkedIn for Network Marketing." It's only $14.95. You can get it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1796756733/. The eBook version is $9.95.

If you have any questions about the Book, I'd be happy to chat with you over Virtual Coffee. Feel free to book a time on my online calendar here: ?? https://meetme.so/dalemoreau

Thank you,


Phone: 210-478-6975

My Website: https://dalemoreau.net

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