So This Happened...
I was working as a Director of Food and Beverage for a very popular mid-sized, full service hotel that was privately owned, no national flag. The hotel was owned by a large, very wealthy organization. As a result, there was a large capture rate of elite, wealthy, powerful people in the community. The banquets were also very high end with the best china, silver, and crystal used. So one day, around the holidays, I walked out the back door of the kitchen and I see my Banquet Manager’s car in the service drive. Not meaning to snoop but walking close enough to see inside, I see the back seat loaded up with just about every piece of sterling silver the hotel had. I waited and the Banquet Manager soon arrived, smiling cheerfully and waving hello. I asked what she was doing with this hotel property in her car. She was shocked and said that since there were no big banquets coming in for a few days she thought she could “borrow” all of it to make her house look nice! I explained that it would not be happening and to put it back. Later, after she left, and chef stopped me to say, “you know she had the trunk full of linens, china, and crystal, right?” And then I contacted the police and started looking for a new Banquet Manager.