So finally I have resolved my TINNITUS COMPLETELY * 20- OCT -2020
Sunil Dudia
Project Lead SCM/MFG Offshore Onsite CoOrdination at Fujitsu Consulting India
* Finally, I have resolved my TINNITUS COMPLETELY to ZERO sound * 01- SEP-2021
The TINNITUS issues most probably affect those who have UNBALANCED PARANA or LIFE FORCE aka BREATHE that moves around in body. That is why when one is taught on how to meditate on INCOMING AIR and OUTGOING AIR (ANAPANA meditation just outside of nose doors), one notices that tinnitus sound stops and over a month of time it goes to zero. There are other things you can do alongside as mentioned below to deal with this debilitating issue. This MEDITATION on AIR, will STOP or BRING TINNITUS TO ZERO as it did in my case.
We are NOT MEDITATING on INHALE or EXHALE aka breathe process here. We are only meditating on INCOMING AIR and OUTGOING air that floats just outside of nose doors or nostrils. That means when meditating such, one ignores their own body and they ONLY SEE AIR that COMES IN and GOES OUT, ‘just outside of’ or ‘near’ nose doors [nostrils]. PRETEND, as if NOSE DOES NOT EXIST when seeing or meditating on AIR.
Right way to observe AIR; is to observe “AIR THAT FLOATS EXACTLY OUTSIDE NOSE DOORS. Or in other words, with eyes closed, with mind’s eye or inner vision, you are observing ‘INCOMING AIR’ and ‘OUTGOING Air’ that happens JUST OUTSIDE of NOSE DOOR’s (near both nostrils). without missing every occurrence of incoming and outgoing air. Here one, makes a CONSCIOUS EFFORT to ATTEND to both INCOMING AIR as well as OUTGOING Air. Always mindful, he observes AIR, that comes in “” up to nose door””; mindful he observes AIR that goes out.
** please note that we are NOT MEDITATING on breath here, aka inhale and exhale, but we ARE MEDITATING ON ATMOSPHERIC AIR that floats just outside of nose doors. HENCE, one must SIT COMFORTABLY with eyes closed AND WAIT FOR ‘INCOMING AIR’ TO COME TO NOSE DOOR. ONE SHALL NEVER do EXPLICIT or deliberate INHALE EXHALE or follow INHALE OR EXHALE.
The AIR SHALL COME AUTOMATICALLY to your NOSE DOOR as it comes IN and goes OUT without you making any efforts to make it come to you. You simply sit there focusing your inner vision just outside of nose doors or nostrils.
As the Air comes IN, with mind’s eye or inner vision you simply observe it WITH BLANK MIND that does not ANALYZE. SIMPLY observe incoming air and outgoing air, that is it.
** You must do this meditation on AIR, for at least 10 – 20 minutes, and must do several such small meditation ranging for 5 minutes to 20 minutes several times a day **
Apart from meditation on AIR, following additional protocol shall be applied parallelly to cope with tinnitus till it has stopped. Specifically, EARMUFFS that tightly cover your ENTIRE ears (NOT EAR PLUGS), will help you bring tinnitus to stop as a temporary measure.
1) During initial recovery periods, Use Cotton swabs rolled into affected Ear for few weeks, use noise reduction Earmuff’s (23db and above, earplugs will not help) when tinnitus is high for at least 20-30 minutes in sleeping position, COMPLETE SILENCE for few weeks, Massage with sesame oil on [AREA-T / TMJ as in picture] for few weeks, being away from electrical sources and not sleeping under fan for few weeks. Avoid earphones and headphones for next few months till recovery.
IF you have hyperacusis (echo sound, distortion of sound in ear) then you must let the ear heal by resorting to silence, not listening to music through earphones or headphones. Hyperacusis depending upon severity heal by itself in few months by itself if one does not expose the ear to electronic sound for few months (5-6 months).
** In my opinion, NO MEDICINES are required to heal the ear or tinnitus, in fact medicines that were prescribed (steroids and others) only increased the tinnitus several folds as I saw in my case and other several example cases. **
2) THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP and shall give you relief in just 2–3 days if followed correctly:
Shift the tinnitus to Area-T by not visiting ear when looking for tinnitus voice but focusing on area-T since that is the real location tinnitus voice aka neuronal activity is located. When you look at area-T instead of ear canal during tinnitus voice issue, within 2–3 days you would have shifted the tinnitus voice to Area-T. Once tinnitus is shifted to Area - T
then just abandon the thought of it. Ignore it. Avoid looking at it.
..Let’s say that tinnitus has started. Now instead of attending to ear you shall instead attend to area-T. When you do that; tinnitus ]would have shifted to area-T in just few days and you no longer feel its coming from ear.
Next ignore it , abandon the thought of it and Keep your area-T relaxed
2A) KEEP your AREA-T [TMJ] RELAXED. That is it. Also, to shift away attention from tinnitus observe AIR as mentioned below. Just chant the words ‘RELAX’ to by looking at Area-T through Inner vision whenever you feel it is trying to activate again and then you must actually feel relaxed at Area-T when doing so and after such instruction to Area-T to ‘RELAX’ you must abandon it, ignore it, avoid looking at it.
3) First and foremost, all tinnitus sufferers MUST AVOID listening to tinnitus voice from Ear, that means one shall NEVER GIVE attention to listening from EAR. The tinnitus voice IS NOT COMING FROM EAR, but from AREA-T [TMJ} and since this Area-T is closer to COCHLEA which is listening device of ear we think tinnitus is coming from Ear. TINNITUS LOCATION is Area-T [TMJ} as in picture provided. NEVER EVER LOOK INTO EAR to listen tinnitus voice or else ATTENTION to EAR will cause tinnitus to aggravate. You shall only look to Area-T and chant the words ‘RELAX’ towards Area-T so that you always keep that TMJ area relaxed. Learn to RELAX your JAW MUSCLES ALWAYS, especially Area-T shall be relaxed.
4) The clenching of jaws during meditation or otherwise shall be avoided as prolonged stress on JAW due to clenching or locking of jaw during meditation or otherwise may give rise to TINNITUS, which is nothing but neuronal electrical bursts that one starts to hear due to silence and accumulation of neuronal activity on jawline that connects to ear which hides cochlea of ear behind along the jawline. Hence all meditation MUST BE DONE IN RELAXED MANNER making sure NOT TO CAUSE LOCKED JAW. RELAX the jaw if you feel it’s getting locked or clenched during meditation or otherwise. Keep your jawline relaxed all the time even otherwise
Previously we have taken care of tinnitus issue by shifting tinnitus to Area-T as explained earlier posts.
* TINNITUS (Neuronal activity imbalance tilted to affected ear) *
In further analysis of tinnitus issue, I discovered that tinnitus stops completely after I listen to music through earmuff headphone that ‘TIGHTLY’ covers entire ear (NOT EARPLUGS type earphones), and most importantly listen to songs up to 50-60% volume level for at least 20-30 minutes.
** Also, while listening music through earmuff headphones or any other headphones, keep your focus NOT ON EAR's but on top of head. You must avoid looking into ears at all costs. For you as a tinnitus sufferer, you must behave as if EARS do not exist and so NO ATTENTION shall be given to ears whatsoever at all times.
** All tinnitus sufferers MUST AVOID any attention to EAR's, hence keep focus on top of head while listening.
The higher volume level creates distortion and subsequent tinnitus enhanced neuronal activity on affected ear, but volume lever up to 50-60% of headphones is able to stop tinnitus as it helps BALANCE NEURONAL ACTIVITY on both side of ears.
Listening to music at low voice through headphones that cover entire ear is able to BALANCE neuronal activity to both ears and thus tinnitus stops after listening to music with headphone (no earplugs type earphones)
6) Also most importantly, ask tinnitus sufferers to observe AIR, that FLOATS EXACTLY OUTSIDE NOSE DOOR to shift focus away from Tinnitus. With mind’s eye or inner vision with eyes closed, observe ‘INCOMING AIR’ and ‘OUTGOING Air’ that happens JUST OUTSIDE of NOSE DOOR’s (near both nostrils). without missing every occurrence of incoming and outgoing air.
Right way to observe AIR; is to observe “AIR THAT FLOATS EXACTLY OUTSIDE NOSE DOORS. Or in other words, with eyes closed, with mind’s eye or inner vision, you are observing ‘INCOMING AIR’ and ‘OUTGOING Air’ that happens JUST OUTSIDE of NOSE DOOR’s (near both nostrils). without missing every occurrence of incoming and outgoing air.
Here one, makes a CONSCIOUS EFFORT to ATTEND to both INCOMING AIR as well as OUTGOING Air. Always mindful, he observes AIR, that comes in “” up to nose door””; mindful he observes AIR that goes out.
7) One-line Explanations for AIR observation: *Objectively OBSERVE ‘INCOMING AIR’ and ‘OUTGOING Air’ that happens JUST OUTSIDE of NOSE DOOR’s (near both nostrils). without missing every occurrence of incoming and outgoing air. An objective observer does not analyse, does not create opinions, he simply observes, when meditating on AIR or contemplating on any phenomenon or thoughts.