So far you have not taken birth Part 5

So far you have not taken birth Part 5

eBook 1412

Here's - So far you have not taken birth Part 5.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know, by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which have similar meaning.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

? ? ?

26 February 2023

Everything in Your Memory

*Your birth in your memory!

Your body in your memory!

Your childhood in your memory!

Your young age in your memory!

Your old age in your memory!

Your death in your memory!

*Your family in your memory!

Your friends in your memory!

Your Colony in your memory!

Your city in your memory!

Your nation in your memory!

Your world in your memory!

*All Gods of all religions!

In your memory!

Every Guru!

In your memory!

All religions, genders etc!

In your memory!

*Initially you were without memory!

In Between you are with memory!

In the end you will be without memory!

But you are in all these three times!

*You are beyond memory!

You are in the memory!

You are without the memory!

*You are yourself memory!

Every thing in your memory!

Every one in your memory!

Every circumstance in your memory!

*You are within memory!

You are without memory!

You are beyond memory!

*You are creator of memory!

You are creator of every one!

You are creator of every thing!

Since you are Brahman!

*Same thing is with you!

Same thing is with me!

There is no I and you!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 February 2023

Nature of This World Drama

Entire universe is like drama of one Almighty God. You can call Him Shiva, Krishna, Almighty,

Paramatma Ganesh, Durga, Allah, Jesus, Nanak, Buddha or any other God of any religion,


In this drama one and only one Almighty God is playing in different names and forms.

He Himself is every person, thing, sun, moon, stars, ocean, planets, deserts, forests, mountains,

hills, everything.

He Himself acts among different people and things during this drama.

When this drama is over, then only one Almighty is left.

Initially also He was alone.

At last also He remains alone.

Then, nothing else exists except one Almighty!

I hope one day you will also know this world drama.

Since it is the very purpose of your birth on this planet earth!

My best wishes for your happy divine journey!

Wishing You Happy Maha Shivratri.

Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!

Pravin Agrawal


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group


12 February 2023

Miracles May Be Required

Miracles may be required, may not be required. This is as per need of the hour.

When society needs, then miracles are required.

Some of the society does not require miracles. For them, miracles are not required.

Basically miracles are required to affirm your faith in Almighty God.

In fact, there is no miracle and every thing is miracle.

Thing which you know, which you believe is not a miracle.

Thing which you don't know, you don't believe. That is miracle.

But once, it is shown, it no longer remains miracle. Initially you feel it miracle.

But if you do it daily, it no longer remains miracle.

In fact top most miracle in the entire universe, in entire Srishti is you are breathing. You breathe!

You grow!

You take birth! You die! And you don't know, from where you came? You don't know, where you

will go?

These are the greatest miracles of your life!

But the greatest of all great miracles are these:

You are God and you don't know!

This world which seems to be visible, it does not exist!

Visible things don't exist! Invisible things exist!

All other miracles are very very small.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


12 February 2023

How to see God?

Following is the process for seeing God, Almighty:

First, you must have faith and firm belief on one and only one Almighty God.

Second, you get glimpse of God.

Third, you see God as per your intense desire.

Fourth, you merge with God.

This is the entire process.

There are two types of Darshan or seeing:

First Darshan, you see directly in any shape of God.

This can be done only by God with His immense blessing. But this is very rare. Every one is not

entitled for this. This requires good Karma of thousands of births.

Second Darshan, you get the glimpse of God. For this also you require somewhat pure heart.

This can be done by you and others. You can yourself do it by visiting religious places,

pilgrimages, fasting, meditation etc. This makes your heart pure. An impure heart can not see

Almighty God.

Other person like Guru can also show you God in this second process. He can give you glimpse

of one and only one Almighty God. He can bless you with divine glimpse or grace. This can be

done by visit to the doors of Guru. Some of the Guru can give you this divine glimpse from

distance also. But this is very rare.

After having divine glimpse you know the truth about one Almighty God. Then you have full

faith, firm faith on Existence of God. Then you don't have doubts on God.

Then your divine journey starts. Then you can reach up to God by practice. It may take short

time or long time as per the intensity of your practice.

If you do not get any divine glimpse of God, then don't be disappointed. Try to purify your heart

by practicing. This practice can be done by listening devotional music, by fasting, by meditation,

by increasing focus, by selfless work, by reading scripture, by Satsang and by reading my

sharing about Krishna, Almighty God. Thus by purifying intellect.

What is divine glimpse?

You get some hint, some glimpse of God or Atma or soul in your mind. You don't see God in

front of your eyes. But you feel presence of God in your mind, in your heart. You get some

feeling about presence of Atma or God. You get some divine light. You get some thoughts from

Atma or God. You get some words of your Atma ie soul or God. You hear some words in

silence. You get some thoughts in silence. For this you need to focus on you, your thoughts. You become thoughtless for some time. Do not see in front of you. See inside you, inside of your heart, inside of your mind and body. This is known as divine glimpse.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


10 February 2023

How to know Atma Self?

*By increasing sensitivity!

For others!

By loving others!

By assuming that!

God is inside of other!

And He is seeing!

Our right and wrong!

By doing this day by day!

We can know Atma one day!

*By constant remembering!

All above things!

Thus by increasing alertness!

Thus by becoming more careful!

By becoming more serious!

For our this purpose!

We can know Atma one day!

*By constant remembering!

Atma Paramatma Almighty!

We can know Atma one day!

Atma is part of Paramatma!

*Nothing new to be added!

Nothing new to be brought!

Nothing new to do outside!

Just we have to improve us!

We have to do our refinement!

*Thus we can know Self Atma!

Thus we can know Almighty!

God of every religion, nation!

The purpose of our birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


8 February 2023

How to fulfill your desires?

People come to me with the desires of job, wealth, power, problems and other desires.

I suggest them various ways for the same.

You can get any of the desires fulfilled simply by praying to Krishna or your any god of any

religion, nation etc.

But those things which are covered under your Tartivra Prarabdha can not be granted even by

your prayers. What is Tartivra Prarabdha? Any thing which is required to be done to neutralize

your very intense Karma or deeds in your previous births. That is called Tartivra Prarabdha.

There are following ways to fulfill your desires:

1/ Pray to Krishna or your any god in your daily morning and evening prayers 9 times seeking

those desires to be fulfilled. This is to be done daily for 40 days without any break.

2/ Offer some grains like Rice, Jwar, Bajara etc and water to birds during early in the morning

hours before you consume any food or water. This is also required to be done daily for 40 days

without any break.

3/ Offer water to any plant or tree like Tulsi, Peepal, Banyan, Amla tree etc. Preferably it must be

done after taking bath during morning hours without consuming food or water. This is also to be

done daily for 40 days without any break.

4/ On every Purnima and Amavasya do some charity. You must spend about one percent of

your monthly income in charity.

Make arrangements for food and water for needy people or animals like cows etc.

5/ Listen or recite in your mind Hanuman Chalisa 7 times in a day daily for 40 days without any


All the above things need to be kept secret without showing to anyone.

By doing any or all of the above mentioned things you can see your prayer fulfilled after 40


These things need to be done irrespective of any differences in your mind like religion, gender,

nation etc.

But the best are those who do all the above things without any wants or desires only for the

happiness of Krishna or any other God of any religion irrespective of any difference like religion,

nation etc. They do it keeping in mind that Krishna or God lives in everyone irrespective of any

difference of religion, nation etc. Only names of one Almighty God are different in different

religions, nations etc like the names of water are different in different languages, places but it

quenches the thirst of everyone irrespective of any religion, nation and other differences. Then

your every desire will be fulfilled. Then you will have no desire except one of Krishna or

Almighty God.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 January 2023

Those who look outside

*Look within!

See inside you!

*If you look outside!

You drain your energy!

*If you look yourself only!

You gain the energy!

*Close your eyes!

From the world!

*Open your eyes!

From your inside only!

*Ask yourself only!

How this body came?

How this world came?

Reply yourself only!

*Ask yourself only!

Paramatma exists?

How all things came?

Who produced them?

How they were produced?

Reply yourself only!

*Ask yourself only!

Who gives you life?

Who gives life to world?

How sun, moon, stars running?

Reply yourself only!

*One and only one!

Almighty God will help you!

To find out the reply!

Of above questions!

It is the purpose of your birth!


15 Jan 2023

Screen of Consciousness

*There is only one Chidakash!

There is one Supreme Soul!

One infinite screen of consciousness!

One infinite Chinmay Sky!

*This world movie!

Being played!

On this screen!

In this sky!

*You may sleep!

You may deep sleep!

You may wake up daily!

You may wake up in Samadhi!

In this world movie!

*Every one, every thing!

In this movie!

Nothing beyond this movie!

You are part of this movie!

*When you wake up for ever!

When you are in Samadhi!

When you know this fact!

Then movie is finished!

*Life and death!

Only in this movie!

Every one, everything And!

Your body in this movie!

*Nothing else exists!

Except this Chinmay screen!

*You may call it Almighty!

You may call it Paramatma!

You may call it Atma or!

God of any religion!

*When you love all!

Selflessly without want!

You know the secret!

Of this world movie!

*Purpose of your birth!

To know this secret!

*All festivals in this movie!

Happy Makar Sankranti

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


18 DEC 2022

No one can know Atma-Gyani

*On this earth no one can know Atma-Gyani.

No one can know that you are self-realized.

Such people can be known only by those persons who are in the same state or in higher state.

*Such person can be known only if he informs other about his experiences. And he informs for

the benefit of others since he has fulfilled his very purpose of taking birth on this earth. He has

no gain or loss if he informs about his experiences.

*Even my wife does not know that I am Atma-Gyani. Whatever my true experiences, true

incidents I have shared with you, I have not shared with my wife. Some times I have shared one

or two experiences with her but she doesn't believe. Hence Atma-Gyani has to live as Agyani in

his home. He has to live as ignorant due to his Prarabdha ie past-Karma!

*Wife of such person is not required to do Karwa Chauth fast etc for his long life since he

becomes immortal by knowing his Atma ie himself!

*Maya is so strong, illusion is so strong one can't recognize an Atma-Gyani person.

Except a few people no one could recognize Lord Sri Krishna during his lifetime. Duryodhan and

others used to call him Gwala. Even his fast friend Arjuna could not recognize Sri Krishna!

Arjuna could recognize Sri Krishna only after Sri Krishna had shown his Vishwa-Rupa ie

Universal Form to him!

*Maya is so strong. Some time even Atma-Gyani person is confused by Maya that he knows

himself, he knows God. This happens when he starts to live in improper way, when he starts to

eat whatever available, when he starts to see whatever available, when he does not get

Satsanga or good company.


3 DEC 2022

True Incident : Experience of death

I have died thousands of times in thousands of births!

But during this birth itself I have died number of times.

This is the incident when I left my body probably second time!

I left my body first time when I was enlightened by my beloved Lord Sri Krishna!

Every time we go on Samadhi, we leave our body.

When I was serving in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during the year 1990 I was engaged in

contemplation of God most of the times after sad demise of my father.

One day I was reciting different Mantras of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman etc in

silence along with the contemplation. I was checking the influence of Mantra-Power of different

Gods on myself.

It might be more than one hour duration I left my body and I was flying in to the sky, departing to

the abode of Paramatma Sri Krishna or Almighty! Whatever you can name Him!

But I was feeling like alive!

My body was on the earth!

I was feeling liberated!

I realized the glory of Moksha!

When I reached very high in the sky, I remembered about my body and family.

I thought that family members would weep if I don't return to my body on the earth.

They will consider me dead.

Hence I returned to my body on the earth!

This is the true incident which I am sharing now on this very sacred day of Mokshada Ekadashi

and Gita Jayanti in the most auspicious month of the year ie Margashirsha month.

It is believed that Mokshada Ekadashi brings salvation if Lord Sri Krishna is worshiped or Gita is

recited on this auspicious occasion!

Lord Sri Krishna has himself told in GitaI am Margashirsha, the most auspicious month of the year!

I am sharing this incident for the good of one and all to know Mantra Power.

If you have full faith, focus and concentration. Then you can yourself witness the power of


Happy Mokshada Ekadashi!

Happy Gita Jayanti!

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 DEC 2022

Worldly marriage and divine marriage

You all know about the worldly marriage but you may not be knowing about divine marriage.

Divine marriage is like the marriage of Radha and Krishna!


For those who are in the mortal world, nothing is allowed.

But, who are already enlightened, for them every thing is allowed since they are non-doer in

fact. Since they consider themselves Atma or Soul, not the body!

Tell me! Reply me!

Your worldly marriage is done by your parents.

If Krishna does your divine marriage, if Almighty God does your divine marriage, then what are

your views?

Which marriage you will give more value?

Which marriage will be your true marriage?

You will give preference to the world or Krishna ie Almighty?

Worldly marriage is of two bodies.

But divine marriage is of two souls.

Worldly marriage is between woman and man.

But divine marriage may be between man and man, man and woman, woman and woman since

all are souls.

For worldly marriage there may be age restriction. But for divine marriage there is no age


For worldly marriage physical contact is necessary but for divine marriage it may be required or

may not be required.

Surrender of ego is required in both the marriage.

But, what is the need of Divine Marriage?

You have already taken many births. In past births you had many lovers, wives, husbands,

children, friends etc.

For some lover, wife or husband you ended your life and you died without fulfillment of your

desire. Hence it is the desire of your past births which re-unites you! And its fulfillment is very

necessary for your ultimate liberation. Hence Almighty God blesses you with divine love!

Divine Marriage is required to raise the cosmic consciousness. Generally in divine marriage one

partner is at higher level of Spirituality or divinity for raising the level of other partner.

In most of the cases there is vast age difference between the two divine lovers since one

partner needs to be at very high Spiritual level to impart the divinity to other.

When both the partners are men or women ie of same gender, then no problem.

Problem arises when both the partners are of different genders. Then they can not meet due to

social taboo. Then they are reluctant to meet specially in the present time.

Some times we read about the incident of sex-abuse in religious, spiritual or divine field.

It may be true, it may not be true.

In the point of view of the world it may be wrong. But in the point of view of Almighty it may be right.

Tell me! Reply to me!

If you are a man or woman. If you come to know that some person was your lover or wife or

husband in your past lives. Both of you used to die for each other. Then what will you do?

Will you not like to meet the lover of your past births?

Will you not like to meet the wife of your past births?

Will you not like to meet the husband of your past births?

Almighty God is too much merciful. Krishna is too much merciful. Hence He arranges and

blesses you with a divine lover for you due to this reason.

It is up to you, you want to accept His this blessing or not.

? ? ?

5 Feb 2023

Feedback From One Group Member-

Radhe Radhe Sir,


Experience With Spiritual India

It is a privilege and a blessing to be a member of Spiritual India Group led by you. This is not just a group, it is indeed an extended family. The connection with the group provided a path to Spirituality. Groups have a positive influence on self awareness having a positive outlook, provided a lens through which I can elevate my understanding about Purpose of Life, daily enhanced Spiritual experiences shared by the group members.

I feel blessed to take the sip of divine knowledge from the Holy Grail of Spiritual India everyday.

I apologies to those if any of my post hurts someone.

I would like to express my profound gratitude for this new paradigm that I've acquired from this conglomeration .

You have been an exemplary Mentor, have learnt a lot from your very informative,inspirational small poetic messages.

Thanks to you and all group members for having an immense influence in my Spiritual trajectory!


Hare Krishna


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19 DEC 2022

Whatever I share with you

*Some time, some of the friends ask-

I love your this post! Your this sharing is so beautiful. From which book you have taken this?

*Earlier I was hesitant to reply this!

But now I am replying-

My Dear Friends, whatever I share and post that is my original writings though nothing is mine! This is true in most of the cases!

*My no sharing, no post has been taken from any book! This is true for most of the cases!

*Do not forget this-

When fool Kalidas can become wise, and he can write many beautiful books with the blessings of Almighty God. Why not a fool like Pravin can write and share all these posts with the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna?

*Now you must have got your reply automatically!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Happy Maha Navami.

Happy Navratri.

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Science of God For Future World: All Parts-

Pravin Agrawal New Year Posts-

??????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ?????: ?????????? ???????? ??? ??:?

1st time in History??108 Jaap Mala in Devraha Baba Voice-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

List 4 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

Black And White??Kumbh ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????-

Hum Hindu Satya Sanatan Hain???? ?????? ???? ????? ???

Pravin Agrawal on Kumbh Mela Part 1-

Pravin Agrawal on Kumbh Mela Part 2-

? ??????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ?????: ?????????? ???????? ??? ??:?

Om krishnaya vasudevaya haraye paramatmane,??pranatah kleshanashaya-

??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ??????????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???-

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About Pravin Agrawal

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

He has shared more than 10,000 Blogs on the speakingtree website. He regularly shares his posts and blogs in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. You may Google search his all the profiles by the following keywords-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Spread the Wisdom!

Hi Friends,

*Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. I am regularly sharing my blogs in Speaking Tree, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.

*In Speaking Tree website I have shared more than 10,000 blogs.

*Please visit and share! Help to spread Wisdom!

*You may Google search my all profiles by following keywords -

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

? ? ?

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

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Who sinks in that ocean, becomes God-

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-

Whomsoever I see that is myself-

Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-

? ? ?

Visit these videos-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-

Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-

Unlocking the Soul: The Journey Beyond Identity-

The Ultimate CCTV: Divine Surveillance!-

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Bhagavad Gita Ki Mahima: Ek Sachchi Ghatna-

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

Other Posts-

? ? ?

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place Updated -

Science of God For Future World: All Parts-

Scenes do not exist even now-

Most Relevant Linkedin Articles of Pravin Agrawal-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List 3 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

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Kajal Varma

Soshal worker at Gyan ganga

2 周

  • 该图片无替代文字
Marinella Sguazzi

Psicologo clinico psicoterapeuta transculturale

2 周

Always interesting for my spiritual. Thanks



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