And So begins….The Purge!

And So begins….The Purge!

Spring cleaning is in the air, time to find the corner cobwebs, the under the bed dust bunnies and tackle the garage pile up, stuff is everywhere! We searched high and low to identify great tips for tackling, and organizing the mounds of stuff that has collected while we were hibernating over the winter.  These tips are also great to keep on hand for a solid pre-move list.

Ready to sell your home? The Coastal 850 Home Team is standing by waiting to help you with all your spring cleaning needs.  Give us a call/text at 850-454-6693 or email at [email protected].

Find peace of mind as your clean, organize, purge and minimize your life.  Here are our favorite tips to help you out:

1 Identify clutter hot spots
My kitchen table seems to have a dump thing here sign flashing above it. Maybe kitchens attract such pile-ups,  similar to home offices where we store endless piles of bills. Books and hand cream samples seem to love night tables and the weekend’s newspaper becomes a permanent fixture on your living room floor. Ugh, its everywhere.  Once you identify your clutter hot spots, consider purchasing an attractive basket to house items you like to have at your fingertips. But remember, a basket can organize chaos for a while, but will also need a frequent purge a few times a month to avoid pile up. It will never go away if you don’t recycle, shred, burn or give away!

2 Purge
Purge and do it often. Why are you using up valuable space storing that mixing bowl set you think your niece might want when she leaves for university in a few years? Go through your stuff and think about the last time you used it, why you’re keeping it around and if it would be more useful somewhere else. After your first few big purging sessions, you won’t need to go at your storage closet so frequently (and ruthlessly). Don’t hold back, unless you can realistically justify keeping it.

We all have important keepsakes we don’t know what to do with and purging these can be difficult, but don’t keep these things buried in the bottom of a box in your garage. Find a space in your home where you can show off its beauty and take good, constant care of it. “There’s really no point in owning something if you can’t use it,” Kristie says.

3 Deal with a little every day
This may be the hardest tip to follow, but it’s by far the best. Focusing a mere 15 minutes of your day on clearing clutter will make your life a whole lot easier (and your house a whole lot tidier)! When you’re finished your bowl of cereal, put the dish in the dishwasher right away, rather than placing it in the sink (teach the kids this magic trick — they will thank you when they are older).  When you get home from work, deal with your mail immediately. File away bills and recycle junk mail then and there. If you have the luxury of half an hour, says Kristie, you can manage to sort through a closet of clothing, determining what you don’t need anymore. If you don’t let things pile up, your home will be a lot tidier and cleaning up much less of a daunting task.  Little is much, just dedicate a few minutes a day to save yourself a huge headache.

4 Stay focused
Put your phone down, turn up the music and get in the zone!!  When you’re taking on a clutter-busting task, it’s important to be energized and focused. Even if you’re just spending 15 minutes on cleaning off your desk, ignore the buzz of your Blackberry and the ping of your e-mail inbox. Just focus on the task at hand so you can be done with it once and for all.

5 Look at the big picture
It’s hard to decide on the fate of a beloved old sweater when you’re looking at it on its own, but when you put it beside all your new ones, you may notice that it’s stretched out of shape, faded and really, you wouldn’t be caught dead in it in public. Conundrum solved!  If it helps, make a rule that you cannot buy anything unless you give one thing away. Then its a give and take :)

6 Make use of unused space
You can add hooks over your bedroom and bathroom doors, bins and baskets on closet floors, storage bins under your bed, and bulletin boards and file pockets to your office walls. Be creative when looking at unused space and it can become a great new place to store items out of the way. Look on places like Pinterest for ideas — classic, unique, quirky, they have something for everyone.

7 Get your kids involved
“Kids come with a lot of accessories,” Kristie says, “so you have to be pretty vigilant to make sure you stay on top of it.” Kristie recommends sitting down with your kids for an hour every month to sort through what they have, then storing or donating what is no longer being played with. “And make sure whatever storage you have is at their height and within their ability [to use],” she adds. “Even a toddler can put away soft toys into a bin if it’s at the right height.”

SIDENOTE: Teaching your children to do this at an early age creates a vital life skill – responsibility. Don’t hesitate or make excuses — they really will thank you when they are older!!

8 Identify a place for things
So you knit, sew, run, bike ride, cook and have two dogs. Your hobbies require you to actually own stuff, and therefore have created a good deal of clutter. “You really have to identify an amount of space – a place – for things. If you have a dog, make sure the leash and bags are all kept in one area,” Kristie advises. In finding a home for your hobbies, you may discover you don’t have room for all of them, helping you to identify which ones should be a priority.  If you don’t have a place, maybe you should see tip #2 and purge.  Remember if you don’t have time, maybe someone else does and can pick up where you left off.

9 File things … now
Kristie says that one of the best organizing investments is a filing cabinet. Just think: All of those piles of papers in your home office can be put away in mere moments. And you won’t spend hours of your precious time trying to locate your donation receipts come tax time. Don’t worry, not all filing cabinets are of the old, stacked metal variety. You can find ones with classy design elements at places like West Elm, Ikea and Pottery Barn.  Cool gadgets like Neat Scanner and other helpful cloud based systems can help with the dreadful pile up of paperwork.  Look into what is best for you. Even hiring a bookkeeper can be helpful and keep you on track.

10 Give away
Dedicate a specific spot in your house or garage for giveaway items, and place a box there. When you come across something you no longer need or want, you can discard it to the giveaway spot immediately, rather than setting it back down and forgetting about it. Plan a monthly trip to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army drop-off location to get rid of the goods you no longer have room for. Make give away bags for the homeless, have a yard sale and donate the money – anything to get it out of your space and into someone else’s

Remember – your trash is someone else’s treasure, but be sure not to treasure your trash!


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