So that was 2021
Richard Gottfried
Marketing Professional. Guinness World Record Holder for "Most miniature golf courses visited".
2021 was certainly another interesting year in the life of planet Earth.
With plenty of uncertainty, ever-changing rules / guidance / laws, and the threat of coronavirus at every turn it's been a tricky year in a number of ways.
Despite the obstacles and hazards that have abounded we've still been able to play a bit of minigolf this year.
We've been to a total of 29 new courses to us (playing at eleven of them) on our Crazy World of Minigolf Tour in 2021. We've also revisited a number of courses from years gone by.
We have also seen a lot of new minigolf, crazy golf and adventure golf courses opening this year too, with more planned to open in the coming months.
Here's hoping 2022 will be a better year for us all.