Snow Storms and Covid

Snow Storms and Covid


We are in a vast snow that has collected for months and months across the world. Miles and miles of snow is all that is seen. A blanket and a vastness all at once, that we are not sure quite to do with. We know that there is going to be an end but we don’t know when. We have learned so much on our trek but still do not know all there is to know about the natural course of things.

Our goal is to get as many as we can in the survival party to be able to stay in motion during the snows, so they will not freeze and perish.

There are many-many people, traveling together. One foot in front of the other, they stay collected.

Their boots making big indents in the fresh snow are quickly filled in with new snow and it makes the journey more difficult because we cannot see our path and sometimes come back around to the same marker, they had left.

Some in the party have a view of moving forward and keeping all together as much as possible. They see that depending upon the leaders in each of the groups to be able to discern for themselves the best way to communicate and considering that the goal is not only for one group to reach the clear skies. They feel it is best to allow groups to form and leaders to emerge.

Quickly we find that communication between all the groups can become muffled and over spoken. There is fear about more snow and if we can endure it. There is doubt that creeps in when an enduring sacrifice of a group, continues for extreme lengths of time.

There is a concern that we will not reach our destination well.

Soon however it becomes apparent that some in the groups have discovered that a circular direction for everyone is not wise for the human population.

Leaders in each of the groups start to emerge. They separate themselves from the argument and begin to put together effective teams after surveying the talents of those in their groups.

They see the various styles as problematic but also as the thing that will become useful to their leadership and the very lives of those around them, being not only about survival but about thriving within the experience.

One sees that the groups are tiring and may give in to complacency, a chance exists that some will lay down in the snow and not want to move, feel that they cannot move.

Quickly that leader, begins to bark out orders as if leading a platoon. He understands that moving them is the best and only way to keep people and the society that must be rebuilt afloat. There is toughness in him or her and they must always weigh out what is too much. What will break the very spirits of those that they are hoping to motivate to safety.

Other leaders in the groups see that the constant push forward and pulling up the bootstraps, though effective, is not a sustainable way for a human to grow through a difficult time and people could become too disillusioned in the snow.

Quickly these leaders begin to put out positive messaging. Reminding one another that human kindness is rejuvenating and offers a hope that allows those heavy mandatory steps to see a future and want to continue. They understand that remaining positive while not ignoring an issue, rather maintaining a positive attitude is likely to keep some with enough hope to continue on.

Still others see that people do not believe in leadership anymore. They feel that they hold what is best for themselves. Giving one another warm socks, fine wines and glowing fireplaces while those not in executive-leadership fend for themselves.

Quickly that leader sets off and lets everyone in the party know that they believe its another trail and will report back as soon as they find the passage. They know that there is fallibility in human and they must have a knowledge that man kind looked everywhere.

There is fear when the party divides off on their own and many shout- in fear don’t do it, it is perilous and you might set off an avalanche somewhere for others.

This leader does not listen because the entire point is to move forward in an alternative and see where the answers lay for them. They will assume the risks of having veered off.

An agreement is made. There will be different routes taken with an ability to communicate if necessary, for the common good of all. There is a confirmation made between the groups that all is still the goal and that is what the end journey will be.

Quickly some leaders say, what are we to do once the snow stops and we have been so focused on the human part of our eco-system, that we forgot our beautiful home has been getting sick. How will she sustain us? They know there will be new day and that people will ask themselves then what to do next.

These leaders are busy at work each day looking ahead. Looking behind and ensuring that we not forget it is not only human we must look out for, during incredibly trying human times. They understand that if we forget this, then the long trek was for nothing. Humanity will not survive.

Division sets in. Is this the right way to travel?

Soon another leader emerges and says what if we treat all of the roads as possible solutions and look to each of them to assist in as many lives as possible survive and thrive in the storm?

It is doubtful with a year-long snow, that any one group has the whole answer.

What if we keep collecting the information each group offers and communicate as best, we can at a given time? What if the goal is not who is right, but how all of us can be the answer to one another?

Everyone perks their ears at this, and a realization sets in that all of this has led all to the same place of an understanding that we are here and figuring it out together. Not only just with humans anymore but with our eco-system making itself heard loud and clear.

Effectively communicating has been practiced and practiced in an authentic way. We have found where it does not work. It will be important as we begin to learn more about earth that we do not presently understand, to communicate in a way that is honest open and inviting to all to learn.

We have come here to this point and we will survive and thrive. It has been bigger because there is much we do not know about our eco-system in its present condition. It is important that we come together wholly and take it on in ways of truth and understanding and that we do not for one moment miss the lessons of communication, equality and a balance of riches needing to be spread across the earth. This can only be answered together.



