Cybersecurity COI
Online network for the ACT-IAC Cybersecurity Community of Interest
On Friday, the ACT-IAC Cyber COI kicked of the 2024 speaker series with a timely and insightful discussion on supply chain risk management (SCRM).? We were fortunate to have SHON LYUBLANOVITS , CISA SCRM PMO Lead, share her insights, priorities and recommendations.? To manage supply chain risks effectively, organizations need to think differently to confront determined threat actors across a rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape.? When analyzing threats to any technology, perfect protection is never possible therefore, a key principle going forward must include resilience because of necessary considerations of recovery and response to supply chain threats.? This deeper understanding will allow organizations to take preventative measures to ensure the security, integrity and uninterrupted flow of products as risks are identified or disruptions occur.
Shon's challenge to us should be easy to remember given the seasonal snowfall being experienced across much of the U.S. Using SNOW as an acronym:?
(S)hift from static to dynamic approaches, monitoring and response??
(N)et new.? What aspects or details are 'new' once we take away the noise?
(O)rchestrate.? Who should we connect with and engage with to better address the risk?
(W)ork it! Take action.? Figure out what works and what doesn't and make dynamic adjustments.
?By taking Shon's challenge, we can all play a key role in realizing CISA's whole of government and nation vision.??